Intercepts of what? The piece-wise linear line segments that XL uses to
connect points in a scatter chart? The smoothened line that XL is
capable of drawing? The trendline? If so, what kind?
For the first, use the points that straddle the x (or y) axis and
calculate the value for y=0 (or x=0). If no such points exist, you will
have to extrapolate using the equation for the nearest set.
For the 2nd, check the archive of the XL newsgroups for posts
on algorithms to duplicate XL's smoothening process.
For the last, create the trendline of interest, show its equation on the
chart, increase the precision of the results (double-click the equation
on the chart, then from the Numbers tab increase the number of
decimals), and use that to calculate the x (or y) values corresponding
to y=0 (or x=0).
Tushar Mehta
MS MVP Excel 2000-2004
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA tutorials and add-ins
Custom Productivity Solutions leveraging MS Office