Problem with x800

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil
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Hey all. I posted a few days back and got some help but now I've got a new

Well, new games do not work so well under old drivers, right? For instance
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic will barely work at all unless you have some
Cat 7s installed.

Anyway, it seems that most games on my system suffer under newer drivers but
not older ones such as Unreal. What is this suffering you ask? Well it's
strange but when you walk around in an FPS it's normally nice and smooth,
right? Well in my games (under new drivers) it seems is if there are tiny
pauses all the time (almost as if the character you are controlling is
stumbling every few steps).

Like I say, these problems go away with older drivers (5.8 seem to be very
good) but then most of my new games start to have other problems because, of
course, they are not optimised for older drivers and some won't work at all!

My system:

AMD 2600
1 GB PC3200
X800 Pro
Audigy 2

I must quickly point out that my old graphics card (9700 Pro) did not have
any such troubles, so I guess it must be a setting on the new card

Anyway, I hope someone can help me out - thanks if you can.
Anyway, it seems that most games on my system suffer under newer drivers
but not older ones such as Unreal. What is this suffering you ask? Well
it's strange but when you walk around in an FPS it's normally nice and
smooth, right? Well in my games (under new drivers) it seems is if there
are tiny pauses all the time (almost as if the character you are
controlling is stumbling every few steps).
My system:

AMD 2600
1 GB PC3200
X800 Pro
Audigy 2

My 2nd PC has an X800 Pro, Audigy 2, 1GB Ram, P4 3.2 GHz, Intel MoBo. I'm
using Cat 7.2 on that PC. I have zero problem running both old & new games.
I'm using the default CCC setting.

So, it is unlikely that the X800 Pro or the new driver is responsible for
your problem. Do a clean installation of the new CCC. Also, check out the
release note to see if your games are listed as known problems.
Yes. AGP and PCI have more in common than Intel's marketing would like you
to believe.