Nigel Brown
I am trying to work out the remaining quarters between two dates. I
can get a result which I then want to floor. However excel is giving
me a Error '1004' with the following text: Unable to get the Floor
property of the WorksheetFunction class.
This doesn't surprise me as Floor is a method within that class. I
post my code below so as to show what I am trying to achieve.
installQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Floor((((DateValue(tbInstall1.Value)
- DateValue(tbTransDate.Value)) / 365) * 4), 0)
Best Regards
Nigel Brown
can get a result which I then want to floor. However excel is giving
me a Error '1004' with the following text: Unable to get the Floor
property of the WorksheetFunction class.
This doesn't surprise me as Floor is a method within that class. I
post my code below so as to show what I am trying to achieve.
installQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Floor((((DateValue(tbInstall1.Value)
- DateValue(tbTransDate.Value)) / 365) * 4), 0)
Best Regards
Nigel Brown