Rod Speed said:
Works fine for me, the CD does indeed get the A: drive letter
and it just reports no WD drives found and ends up at the dos
prompt here. The WD drives are all offline currently here.
Likely there is something about your system that stops
Caldera DOS from assigning the A drive to the CD etc.
Thanks Rod. Shame it isn't drive letter independent. Couldn't see a path
specified anywhere so I guess it's hard coded into the .exe
Looks like my WD is toast anyway. Started to go slow about a week ago and
backups took 4 hours instead of 45 mins. I managed to run the tools once
from Windows but it passed and the SMART data was all OK (Is SMART
worthless?). Then yesterday it made a few odd noises. They have stopped but
XP either crashes (normal mode) or it seems to get stuck in a loop (safe
mode). The drive LED looks like it's doing continious retries - perhaps it
isn't but thats what it looks like.
This is my third WD Caviar drive in three years that hasn't outlived the
warranty (average lifetime about 12-18 months). Two in my PC and one in an
External enclosure. All have really good cooling so it's not overheating.
I'm probably working them to death as they I've been making full image
backups with DI and running full antivirus and antispyware scans every night
(so probably 5 or 6 full reads nightly).
Will probamly try a Samsung Spinpoint now. Might hook up the WD as a slave
just to see if I can figure out what's wrong with it. I'm not worried about
the data as I've got backups.