Problem with vlaidation

  • Thread starter Thread starter macho
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I tried to download MS Windows AntiSpyware.
Before then, validation test failed.
My computer is purchased from Dell a few years ago.
It still does automatic windows update.
I even typed in Windows Product Key from stamp on tower.
It still failed. Is there anyway to fix this problem.
macho said:
I tried to download MS Windows AntiSpyware.
Before then, validation test failed.
My computer is purchased from Dell a few years ago.
It still does automatic windows update.
I even typed in Windows Product Key from stamp on tower.
It still failed. Is there anyway to fix this problem.

On the theory that something may be blocking or interfering with exchange of data:
Are you running am anonimizer utility? What other programs are up & running ? Have you got a 3rd-party firewall or security suite?

If you rule some of these factors, then I'd suggest you contact Dell support to request re-validation of the Certificate of Authenticity.
Are you the Original Purchaser or a 2nd Party Purchaser - in other words,
bought the computer from someone who was the original purchaser. If the
latter is true, it is possible the COA sticker was exchanged for one of the
many know pirated versions.


Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your Service!
Google is your "Friend"
I am the original owner. Again, WinXP autoupdate is working fine so far.
I wish that there was a problem with server at MS's end.
I will try again tonight.

My home Dell computer is about 3 years old. I tried again but failed to
My wife's Dell computer is less than a year old. That computer also failed
the test.

On the other hand, I have much older computer in my office. This is not
Dell computer but locally built computer.
I had no problem with the validation test and downloaded Windows
AntiSpyware (beta) without any problem.

My impression is that there is some problem with validation tests with all
Dell computers. Maybe, Dell was too mean to Microsoft. So they might have
decided not to allow antispyware program to Dell computer owners. What do
you think?

I have a newer (6 months) Dell laptop that successfully completed the
validation process. Have you called Dell Customer Support?
My home Dell computer is about 3 years old. I tried again but failed to
My wife's Dell computer is less than a year old. That computer also failed
the test.

On the other hand, I have much older computer in my office. This is not
Dell computer but locally built computer.
I had no problem with the validation test and downloaded Windows
AntiSpyware (beta) without any problem.

My impression is that there is some problem with validation tests with all
Dell computers. Maybe, Dell was too mean to Microsoft. So they might have
decided not to allow antispyware program to Dell computer owners. What do
you think?


I have a Toshiba laptop that is less than one year old. It too fails to
