Problem with viewing video in Timeline but views fine in Collection Field

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I am able to view a video from the collection field but as soon as I add it to my timeline I can hear the audio but the screen is black. I have no problem viewing the same clip with Windows media player. What is the problem

Also I can input video through my firewire using Roxio VideoWave Movie Creator but I cannot through Movie Maker. I am running Window Professional on a Dell 3.06 Hyper Threading machine.
I'd satrt by checking out codecs, see problem solving > acceleration and codec issues

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

Mohican said:
I am able to view a video from the collection field but as soon as I add
it to my timeline I can hear the audio but the screen is black. I have no
problem viewing the same clip with Windows media player. What is the
Also I can input video through my firewire using Roxio VideoWave Movie
Creator but I cannot through Movie Maker. I am running Window Professional
on a Dell 3.06 Hyper Threading machine.
Hi there,

Your problem may be caused by a codec that Movie Maker does not like. This
a very common issue.

Your one-stop-don't-need-to-look-anywhere-else Solution is with a program
called "Rename Codecs".

Instead of reading miles of dross that is full of maybe's and perhaps's
just run the program, it takes a few moments to identify all of the known
codecs that cause this problem and gives you the opportunity of renaming
them, or, you can now use the new Auto feature in version 1.5 and let the
program take care of virtually everything to do with this problem

You can then run Movie Maker and immediately determine if it actually was a
codec issue. If it was a codec issue Movie Maker will now run properly. If
it was not the issue, you have lost nothing more than a short amount of

Whether or not it was a codec issue you must run the program once more and
restore the problem codecs to their original names.

The two procedures together can take less time than it did to read this
message and a whole lot less than reading mountains of bumph that may or may
not apply to you.

The program "Rename Codecs" is free and available from my website.

While there it would be a good idea to check out the tutorial on how to run
the program...that will take around one minute of your time!!! Use this
quick link to get there real fast
Hello Graham,

Sorry, I did not know that. I was working on an offline terminal and as I
am accustomed to another reply I just added mine as usual. I did not mean
anything unkind towards you.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
yes you said that. but you forgot to include insults to papajohn, so your reply wasnt complete. thats why john had to reply to

----- Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media wrote: ----

Think that is what I said

Graham Hughe
MVP Digital Medi
Anything else you would like to add???

You are so confussed that you do not see that ALL such replies aid me
greatly in my complaint. So rant away, and thank you for helping

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
You just have to be an MVP!!!! who does not have the courage to say who you are. I am begining to realise that Mr. JK is quite correct in his stance for more than the reason he has given. I thnk the word I am searching for is you are apparently SPINELES

Here is something Mr. Denny has said that is a clear indication that his only purpose is one of vendetta, I hope Mr. JK includes it in his complaint...its a very strong indication that he is the one being wronged her

Mr Denny said "Let go of the vendetta you have on PapaJohn - he doesn't deserve it. You post your messages and let PapaJohn post his messages without any hassle - yes?

I hope this person for this one remark alone looses his status as an MVP. I should think he now regrets that remark

As you have also mentioned Papajohn, I will make it my business to fully understand what it is about PapaJohn's remarks that upset Mr. JK so much. I for one am most interested in how this pans out
Hi there,

You just have to be an MVP!!!! who does not have the courage to say who
you are. I am beginning to realise that Mr. JK is quite correct in his
stance for more than the reason he has given. I think the word I am
searching for is you are apparently SPINELESS

OUCH ! I bet that hurt :)
Here is something Mr. Denny has said that is a clear indication that his
only purpose is one of vendetta, I hope Mr. JK includes it in his
complaint...its a very strong indication that he is the one being wronged

Mr Denny said "Let go of the vendetta you have on PapaJohn - he doesn't
deserve it. You post your messages and let PapaJohn post his messages
without any hassle - yes?"

I hope this person for this one remark alone looses his status as an MVP.
I should think he now regrets that remark.

Yep, my thoughts and wishes entirely...but I won't hold my breath. They are
supposed to be reviewed every 12 months you know as to their continued
suitability. I wonder how they will try and justify to themselves the reason
for keeping him as an MVP/ He is a disgrace as far as I am concerned.
As you have also mentioned Papajohn, I will make it my business to fully
understand what it is about PapaJohn's remarks that upset Mr. JK so much.
I for one am most interested in how this pans out.

Phew...big job. You need to go back to around October (I think) of last
year.....It was at that time that he tried to make me look silly (Even
though at that time I was trying to help him out) by saying that he could
not reply to my e-mail. The reason was I had sent him a digitally signed I think any one with the status of MVP would be expected to
know that if you want to reply to an e-mail that was digitally signed all
you do is deselect that option by clicking one of those buttons at the top
of the message. Instead he tried his best to make it sound as though I had
perhaps sent a mal formed e-mail that he could not properly use.

I let that slide, but it was immediately followed by his web site crashing.
So I did a tracert for him which showed where a potential problem may exist
along the route between me and him. His remarks were stupendous....he
replied that all he could get was a load of responses...I knew immediately
that he had a router configured so that it would not accept return
PINGS....but instead of asking what it meant he again implied that I did not
know what I was talking about...but he did it publicly and in the process
made himself look extremely stupid...I told him it was the de-facto standard
used by just about the whole industry as a first step in looking into a
possible network issue. At the same time as that his web site came back
on-line...guess what he said, "I like things that fix themselves" that was
his reply to my still polite help.

He became more and more ignorant as time passed and eventually I gave up
trying to help him. I gave up on pointing people to his site when I had it
pointed out to me that he was copying my messages to others and then putting
them on his website in such a way as to infer he was the author.

It was at about that time when he made the "Timeless but Classic Remark"
that he posts to 52 newsgroups and several web based forums....The thing is,
you have to be sure no one can catch you out...and its ever so easy to do
using the program that I am writing this message with. It does not work
anything like Outlook. You can program it to search every message in every
newsgroup on every news server you have access to anywhere in the
I set it the task of finding these 52 newsgroups. It took ages, but it cost
less effort to do than it has just to describe it.....I will leave you to
wonder how many newsgroups he actually posted to AT THAT TIME.

Because I do not like people like that and more so because he actually tried
to make himself look good at my expense, is why I told Mr Brown that so long
as PapaJohn was an MVP I would never accept any such position myself. Of
course the BULLY BOYS tried to make out that my remark was a lie....but Mr.
Brown came back and slapped the bully boys down....Bully Boys that are MVP's
and Wannabe's

Here is the text of Mr. Browns message....

Hi John,
My name is Andrew Brown, and I work with the Communities program at
Microsoft. I've seen your contributions to the Microsoft online
community in our Movie Maker newsgroups and would like to contact you to
discuss working more closely with Microsoft. If that sounds like
something you'd be interested in, please e-mail me at
<Deleted e-mail address>
Look forward to talking to you!
Andrew A. Brown
Microsoft Communities

I have already told you my reply to him. Would you like to be an MVP????
well if you want to act like those in here I think you would probably stand
a good chance of becoming one

Thanks for your support, its nice to know that there are still a few good
ones left.
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
WOW !!! I can see why anyone would be a little upset, but when you add to that all these other remarks I have sen posted it is quite clear to me that you have done well to stand up against such nepotism. I hope that this Mr. Brown takes action soon. Its clear something needs to be done

I have done everything from renaming to installing new media player 9 to installing new codecs called Divx. Nothing changes. Please more info.