Ok, thanks for the details.
The GIF file will be embedded in the PPT file, so you don't have to worry
about putting the individual GIF on the CD with your presentation.
PPView32 is the old PPT Viewer. It does not support animated GIFs. Your best
solution is to convert the GIF to AVI, if indeed you are creating your
presentation on PPT 2000.
http://www.soniacoleman.com/Tutorials/PowerPoint/autorun_giftoavi.htm has
BUT (and this is a big but), if you have an option called File/Package for
CD, then you are creating your presentation in PowerPoint 2003. BUT (another
big but) PPT 2003 cannot be installed on Windows ME. So I can't figure out
what you're doing! Where do you see File/Export to CD?
So here's the skinny:
If you're creating in PPT 97, use the old PPT Viewer.
One "do it yourself technique" for creating autorun CDs using the old PPT
Viewer is at
If you're creating in PPT 2000, use the old PPT Viewer. The old Viewer
doesn't "do" animated GIF (among other things listed at
http://www.rdpslides.com/pptfaq/FAQ00153.htm), but the easiest solution is
to convert the GIF to AVI as described in the link given above.
If you're creating in PPT 2002 (aka PPT XP), use the new PPT Viewer.
The technique for creating an autorun CD using PPT 2002 and the new Viewer
is explained at
If you're creating in PPT 2003, use the new PPT Viewer (which was installed
when you installed PPT -- no reason to download and install it again). PPT
2003 allows you to do a File/Package for CD and include the new Viewer.
There's nothing really manual about it, but there's a quick overview at
http://www.echosvoice.com/autoruncd2.htm as well.