Problem with upgrade to Win 2K



Upgraded to Win 2k and now my Outlook 97 will not open..
there is an error message: ordinal 36 could not be
located in the dynamic link library MAPI32.dll
What is the matter?
I have had a microsoft problem weekend related to
microsoft products and upgrades...
Someone suggested that i use LINUX Op Sys.. No way.. I am
a die hard Microsoft person..
Any suggestions?

neo [mvp outlook]

Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling Office/Outlook 97?

If push comes to shove, you could try reinstalling MAPI.;en-us;172350 covers the
files that make up MAPI. However, you must be aware that Windows 2000 uses
file protection. The operating system will replace old file. Hence my
suggestion of trying to uninstall/reinstall Office/Outlook 97 first. (If
prompted to remove MAPI files, say yes.)

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