Problem with Upgrade MS Access 2003 to Access 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter CarneyClegg3
  • Start date Start date


I'm working with a client who has an important MS Access 2003 file that he
can't open after upgrading from Access 2003 to Access 2007.

The Access file is password protected. Since the upgrade, any time someone
enters a login and password nothing happens ( no error message, and the file
is not opened ). Our goal is to be able to open and work with the file.

After reading the forum, I believed it was the workgroup file, so I checked
for and found the file "security.mdw", in the location C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Access. The file has a
timestamp of February 2008, so it is the correct one.

I tried calling the MS Access file from the MS dos prompt using the command:
"path to 2007 msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"
but still had the same problem. That is, we typed the username and password
into the file, but nothing happened.

I did go to the immediate window posting, and tried it out, doing the command
?SysCmd(acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile) in MSAccess 2007 at the immediate window.
It returned null.

This has been a problem for my client for quite a while, as the Access file
contains important information that he needs to run his business. With this
information, could you tell us what I could do in order to get him going?

On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:50:02 -0700, CarneyClegg3

I am confused.
First you write that the file is password protected. Then that it
requires a login (I assume you mean username) and password. Please use
precise language.
You write that the timestamp is Feb-2008. Today is Jun-2009 so why is
this the correct one? The correct one can be derived from the
"workgroup administrator" (wrkgadm.exe) program, or from the shortcut
to open the app.
You write you were in the Immediate window. Of this secured app? If
yes, then the security isn't very good. If no then this doesn't tell
you much; just that you opened an unsecured MDB.

When working with Workgroup Security the best advice is to realize
this is an advanced topic, and you should download, study, and fully
understand the Security FAQ from before proceeding.

Microsoft Access MVP
The bottom line is this. My client had an Access 2003 file that worked
before he upgraded to Access 2007. After he did the upgrade, he could no
longer get into the file because the login and password no longer worked.

I tried a few things that I found by reading other answers in the newsgroup,
but could never get past the login issue. I read the Security FAQ, but don't
know if my client has any of the workgroup information.

Given these circumstances, how do I proceed?

Okay, I am slightly confused here...

1. Your Client upgaded to 2007, does that mean s/he upgraded the database or
just the software?
2. If just the software then...

In Access 2007 you must put the file in a Trusted Location... (I would also
make sure the .mdw is also added to the Trusted Location.)

1. Office Button (upper left corner)
2. Access Options (bottom of dialog)
3. Trust Center (left)
4. Trust Center Settings (button)
5. Trusted Locations (left)

3. If the above doesn't 'fix it', what does "....doesn't work..." mean and
does it work if you open the file in 2003, providing your Client didn't
upgrade the database.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
I just called my client and they said they updated the software, but not the
database, so I will try this out and let you know what happens.
I put the access mdb file in the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\My Documents\Access

And the security mdw file in the directory
C:\Documents and Settings\reddy.m\Application Data\Microsoft\Access

and set both of these to trusted locations in Access 2007

Now when I first open up the Access file I get the error

"Your (database name) database or project contains a missing or broken
reference to the file "utility.mda'.

It then pulls up the Access database. The username and password still do
not work.
The Microsoft Access file did work when my client opened it in Access 2003.
Since then, he has upgraded to Access 2007, and the environment where it
used to reside no longer exists.

Got a little busy here, so just looking at your response...

Now it sounds like a reference problem. Do you have a machine that has
Access 2007 that you can test the database in? When you set up security did
you not create your own .mdw file? And did you send your .mdw file to your

I am also starting to wonder if you set up the security correctly. This is
very complicated and easy to get wrong, I've done it and got it wrong more
times then I got it right, not my strong point AND not too proud to admit

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

utility.mda is almost always an unnecessary remnant in databases that were
originally created in earlier versions. Just go into the References
collection and uncheck that reference.
On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 17:06:16 -0400, "Douglas J. Steele"

I agree. Take it out. Code Window > Tools > References.

Microsoft Access MVP