Problem with System.Drawing.Bitmap()


Anthony P.

Hello Everyone,

In my form_load() method, I have the following code:

sPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _

PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(sPath & "\data\pic-

Pretty simple code that is supposed to load the pic-logo.gif stored in
the Application's directory\data into a picture box on the form.

So, let's say my sPath is set to C:\MyDirectory. So, the pic should be
pulled from C:\MyDirectory\data\pic-logo.gif, right? Nope!

For some reason, the system is placing \ in front of the path name.
So, my call is actually coming out as \C:\MyDirectory\Data\pic-

I've even tried hard coding the path into the call and it STILL is
putting a \ in front of the path.

Any idea what might be going on here?

Thank You!

Onur Güzel

Hello Everyone,

In my form_load() method, I have the following code:

sPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _

PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(sPath & "\data\pic-

Pretty simple code that is supposed to load the pic-logo.gif stored in
the Application's directory\data into a picture box on the form.

So, let's say my sPath is set to C:\MyDirectory. So, the pic should be
pulled from C:\MyDirectory\data\pic-logo.gif, right? Nope!

For some reason, the system is placing \ in front of the path name.
So, my call is actually coming out as \C:\MyDirectory\Data\pic-

I've even tried hard coding the path into the call and it STILL is
putting a \ in front of the path.

Any idea what might be going on here?

Thank You!


Try using "Application.StartupPath" and combine it with your trailing


' If i remember correct...
Dim sPath As String
sPath = Applicaton.StartupPath & "\data\pic-logo.gif"

Application.StartupPath will locate the path wherever your applicaton
resides on.

Hope it solves,

Onur Guzel

Anthony Papillion

Application.StartupPath will locate the path wherever your applicaton
resides on.

Hope it solves,

Onur Guzel- Hide quoted text -

Hi Onur,

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, that didn't solve it. It's
kind of odd because the code I showed above actually pointed to the
right place. The problem was that the system was adding a back slash
to the path before the pathname. So let's say my path was C:\Program
Files\MyProgram\Data\logo.gif, the system was reading it as \C:
\Program Files\MyProgram\Data\logo.gif. It was almost like it was
expecting a UNC.

Ultimately, I simply removed the code and hard coded a location.
Obviously, that won't work for deployment though so I do need to solve
this. It's REALLY got me baffled!


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