Problem with SqlDbType.TinyInt

  • Thread starter Thread starter valmir cinquini
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valmir cinquini

Hi everybody

I'm newbee in C# and I'm supporting an application where there's a
method like following:

public int addNews(DateTime dtNews, string strTitle, string
strShortText, string strText, int intStatus)

When trying to add the data to a SqlServer 2K using ADO.Net I did the

< SqlCommand and SqlConnection here >

cm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intStatus",SqlDbType.TinyInt, 1,

I've got the error message:
\\ssp05\wwwroot$\News.cs(40): Argument '4': cannot convert from 'int'
to 'string'

I know I might doing something stupid, but I can't figure out what it
is. Any help would by very appreciated. Thanks.
The Fourth parameter where you have intStatus is supposed sourceColumn which
is a just change it to

cm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intStatus",SqlDbType.TinyInt,1 )).Value
=intStatus); I may have messed up the Parenthesis;
or you could just do cm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intStatus",
cmd.Parameters("@intStatus") = intStatus;
Look up the constructors for SqlParameter!
You are trying to pass (string, SqlDbType, int, int) to the constructor and
the closest matching constructor is (string, SqlDbType, int, string).

Regards, Mikael