Hi Everyone who answered my query and many thanks.
I went in to my event viewr and found the error and I got this message:- Sis
GRV for the dispaly device/device /video got stuck in an infinite loop.
Any ideas apart from the ones you have given me. I did download an
application to search for out of date drivers and it came up with 8 drivers.
Unfortunately I cannot download the drivers as I cannot acces their site to
pay for them. The application is called Uniblue Driver Scanner. Anyone know
if this is safe to use?
Many thanks
The troubleshooting steps are the same.
1. Determine the nature and capabilities of your currently installed
video driver.
2. Determine the video requirements of the program you are trying to
3. If the requirements of the program exceed your current video
capabilities, see if there is a new driver from the manufacturers
website that will meet or exceed the program requirements.
4. If the requirements of the program exceed your current video
capabilities, see if there is a program option with reduced video
capabilities that are compatible with your capabilities.
If you are using on board video (from the motherboard), there may not
be a driver compatible with your program and you can't change the
video hardware without changing the mother board.
If you cannot get drivers that meet or exceed the program requirements
and the program has no reduced video requirements mode and you are
compelled to run the program, get a video card and drivers that are
Or, you can just keep trying things and hope that maybe something