problem with Restrict method in Outlook 2003

May 21, 2007
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We use the Restrict method to search for appointments in a users outlook calendar ( Set Items = itmsAppointments.Restrict(criteria))
The code is ok since it works correctly for most of our users.
For our users in mexico the Restrict method wont work - will always return an empty string. (We search by start and end dates).

The users in Mexico use a tablet PC with spanish XP (Outlook local is spanish). When we tested on a tablet PC with Windows XP in English it worked.
The problem is not with activeX installation since other methods on Outlook work.

My questions:
- Did anyone encounter such a problem (long shot but worth asking).
- I want to narrow down the problem: is it the different software versions or might it be the software/hardware configurations?

The installed application versions:
Microsoft XP Professional version 5.12500 SP2 build 2600
Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606)

Any suggestions are appreciated.
