We use the Restrict method to search for appointments in a users outlook calendar ( Set Items = itmsAppointments.Restrict(criteria))
The code is ok since it works correctly for most of our users.
For our users in mexico the Restrict method wont work - will always return an empty string. (We search by start and end dates).
The users in Mexico use a tablet PC with spanish XP (Outlook local is spanish). When we tested on a tablet PC with Windows XP in English it worked.
The problem is not with activeX installation since other methods on Outlook work.
My questions:
- Did anyone encounter such a problem (long shot but worth asking).
- I want to narrow down the problem: is it the different software versions or might it be the software/hardware configurations?
The installed application versions:
Microsoft XP Professional version 5.12500 SP2 build 2600
Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606)
Any suggestions are appreciated.
The code is ok since it works correctly for most of our users.
For our users in mexico the Restrict method wont work - will always return an empty string. (We search by start and end dates).
The users in Mexico use a tablet PC with spanish XP (Outlook local is spanish). When we tested on a tablet PC with Windows XP in English it worked.
The problem is not with activeX installation since other methods on Outlook work.
My questions:
- Did anyone encounter such a problem (long shot but worth asking).
- I want to narrow down the problem: is it the different software versions or might it be the software/hardware configurations?
The installed application versions:
Microsoft XP Professional version 5.12500 SP2 build 2600
Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606)
Any suggestions are appreciated.