Teresa B
I am going through your Brian Bischof's walkthrough in Chapter 1 of
his book Crystal Reports .Net Programming and have come up to a
problem. When I load the ReportDocument onto the form I get no dialog
box to select the typed ReportDocument class from. I am running
VS.NET 2003 and have installed Service Pack 2 for Crystal Reports.
The ReportDocument on my toolbox is assembly
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine 9.1.5000.0. The only options
for the ReportDocument in the Properties Window is Name, Modifiers and
Print Options. Is there possibly something wrong with my install of
Crystal Reports? I have had other problems in Crystal Reports
Walkthroughs when clicking on Database - Set Location and no dialog
comes up there either. Any help would be appreciated.
his book Crystal Reports .Net Programming and have come up to a
problem. When I load the ReportDocument onto the form I get no dialog
box to select the typed ReportDocument class from. I am running
VS.NET 2003 and have installed Service Pack 2 for Crystal Reports.
The ReportDocument on my toolbox is assembly
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine 9.1.5000.0. The only options
for the ReportDocument in the Properties Window is Name, Modifiers and
Print Options. Is there possibly something wrong with my install of
Crystal Reports? I have had other problems in Crystal Reports
Walkthroughs when clicking on Database - Set Location and no dialog
comes up there either. Any help would be appreciated.