Problem with PID when first booting an XPE image

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bart
  • Start date Start date



I just installed Embedded Studio for XPE. I can build an image for my
device, but have problems when first booting the device from the image.

If in the Target Designer I do not put a PID in the "Run-time Image
Licensing" settings, the image boots just fine. This makes it a trial
version, which will eventually timeout.

I purchased 10 COAs. From what I had read that by entering one of the
product keys, the image is turned into a fully licensed image.

The problem is the image built with the PID entered, crashes when first
booted on my device. I get an error in the lsass.exe program saying that a
device is not properly configured. The error message says to reboot the PC
in safe-mode to look at the event log. But after the first failed attepmt to
boot, I can not get past the BIOS startup.

The two different images are made with the same components and settings,
except for the entery of the PID.

Anybody got an idea of what is going on here?
With the 10 license keys, there should be a yellow card with a 5x5 alpha
numeric number. this is the number to enter into Target Designer.


Sean Liming /
Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit
I tried two different licence keys from the COAs. The image from both gave
me the same problems.

What is XPE expecting?

I read on some older posts that MS had changed how the COA license keys work
vs. building the XPE image? How do I tell if the COA keys are good?

A side question, when entering the PID into the Target Designer, do I keep
the dashes?

Bart said:
A side question, when entering the PID into the Target Designer, do I
keep the dashes?

Yes. it should be entered as XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

As Sean said, make sure you are using the right number. It is not the
number on the sticker, but comes on a yellow card which is included
with the stickers.


I am using the number on the yellow card that is labelled;
"WinXP Embedded Runtime"

It is in the form of

I checked to make sure there were no typos.

So at this point I am very lost.
Bart said:
So at this point I am very lost.

Which version of XPe are you using? (SP1, SP2, FP2007, Rollup 1, SP3).

There was a change in the PID system at one point. it *may* be a case of
an older version not recognising a newer PID.

Just to be sure, have you tried removing the PID from your failing
SLX again to confirm that it still works in trial mode? I'm thinking
that maybe something was added by TD at the same time you added the
WES and XPE keys are different. Same product different keys. Looks like you
have the right one. I would expect a bluescreen for XPe if something was in
error. The lsass.exe is something else. - Local Security Authority Subsystem
(LSASS) component. make sure that dependncy check is run before building the


Sean Liming /
Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit
Sean said:
Did you by any chance change the boot partition size? If you did,
don't! Leave it at 1024.

Does that still apply even if the partition size is less than 1024,
or only if it's 1024 and greater?
I am putting the OS image down on a CF card used as the main "hard drive". I
have both 1GB and 4GB cards I am playing with. Putting the image down on
both sizes do not work.

On the 4GB CF card I do have the entire space used as the boot partition.
In this case I set the settings boot partitiion size to "4000". Still does
not help.

How do I know which version of XPE is installed? I just received the
distribution CD last week. I assumed that I had the latest version, but
maybe not.

Does it hurt to try to put an earlier service pack on if I have a newer

I looked at the MS Embedded site. The downloads for the service packs are
all marked stated to be "evaluation copies" Is it save to assume that if I
have a licensed version these will still work on them?
