Problem with pictures/adverts

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Recently when looking at wesites, certain banners show either- the message
'The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently
unavailable....' or red crosses. I have no idea why this has occurred. I
recently downloaded software with spyware on which i got rid of it seemed to
happen sometime after that... Anyone got any ideas?????

Thanks in advance,

Its your HOSTS file. If you are using anti-spyware such as spybot-searchand
destroy, it includes a HOSTS file that blocks access to known malware and
addware urls. Check the options on your anti-spyware program, look for HOSTS
The HOSTS file (no extension) will either be in your Windows/sytem32 folder
(win 98, Me) or your Windows/System32/Drivers/etc (win2K, XP) folder. You
can rename it if you don't want to use it.
Matt said:
Recently when looking at wesites, certain banners show either- the message
'The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently
unavailable....' or red crosses. I have no idea why this has occurred. I
recently downloaded software with spyware on which i got rid of it seemed to
happen sometime after that... Anyone got any ideas?????

You've likely not gotten rid of all the Spyware, Matt.
Can you please post back, amongst others, what the Spyware-ridden program

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I seem to have a bigger problem than i thought... I have just followed the
advice silj and followed the link to download ad aware and up came a page
from fortinet saying 'web page blocked' You have tried to access a web page
which is in violation of your internet usage policy. Now i have never had any
thing to do with fortinet and this page comes up now when i try and access
several web sites. I really am confused. Please help, I'm relatively new at
all this internet stuff


Matt said:
I seem to have a bigger problem than i thought... I have just followed the
advice silj and followed the link to download ad aware and up came a page
from fortinet saying 'web page blocked' You have tried to access a web page
which is in violation of your internet usage policy. Now i have never had any
thing to do with fortinet and this page comes up now when i try and access
several web sites. I really am confused. Please help, I'm relatively new at
all this internet stuff

1) Contact your Internet Service Provider regarding any violations of use.
- You may be blocked from some Internet access at this time.
2) You say you've never had anything to do with "fortinet".
- Do you have any "fortinet" products installed that you may not be aware of?
- Check your Add/Remove Programs list via Control Panel to determine this.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

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is invalid - that we may all benefit)

i appreciate your time helping me sort out this problem. The fortinet thing
was a red herring a mistake on my part. I have installed updated and used
adaware and it has come up with a few problems which have now been sorted. I
am still getting the same problem however. Sorry to be a pain, any more
ideas?? What about the HOST file thing??

Matt said:

i appreciate your time helping me sort out this problem. The fortinet thing
was a red herring a mistake on my part. I have installed updated and used
adaware and it has come up with a few problems which have now been sorted. I
am still getting the same problem however. Sorry to be a pain, any more
ideas?? What about the HOST file thing??

As I posted in my last reply, you need to contact your ISP, in the event that
you have somehow violated their Acceptable Use Policy, "AUP".
This may be an issue that needs addressing first. It's a phone call away.

With regards to a HOSTS file blocking ads, yes, this is likely, *if* you are using
a "custom" HOSTS file, such as this:
Please see the troubleshooting articles at the bottom of the home URL, above.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

(Reply to group, as return address
is invalid - that we may all benefit)

My mistake with the ISP, the computer in question is a laptop and i was
using a friends internet access, which blocks downloads as he has kids, sorry
about that wasting your time( I feel suitable embarressed!). I seem to have
sorted the problem on web sites apart from pictures attached to emails, they
still come up as red squares......

Matt said:

My mistake with the ISP, the computer in question is a laptop and i was
using a friends internet access, which blocks downloads as he has kids, sorry
about that wasting your time( I feel suitable embarressed!). I seem to have
sorted the problem on web sites apart from pictures attached to emails, they
still come up as red squares......

OK, we're getting somewhere.
Now you need to address to dreaded red-x problem.
Since I (don't) know what version of Windows you're running, try these
KB's first and see if it fixes anything.
See, the bottom of the URL -



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

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I'm running XP home it's a new computer so i guess its got sp2. Sorry to ask
silly questions but what are KB's
Matt said:
I'm running XP home it's a new computer so i guess its got sp2.

Quite likely, but not necessarily.
Type "winver" (no quotes) in your Run > Dialog Box.
That will provide quick information on your operating system.
Sorry to ask silly questions but what are KB's

Not a silly question at _all_ too many of us use abbreviations, too often.
A "KB" in the Microsoft sense is a "Knowledge Base" article.
Such as the below which you need to read to address your advert problem.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

(Reply to group, as return address
is invalid - that we may all benefit)
Thanks silj
I'm running XP version 5.1 with SP2. I renamed my hosts file temporarily and
whilst renamed the problem stopped occuring on the websites it happened on
previously. However when I receive emails any pictures that don't come as
attachments are blank with a small red cross.

I am gradually working my way through the advised KB's

Thanks for the help
