Problem with Outlook Express.



I'm currently experiencing difficulties with Outlook
Express online with a dial-up connection. I can open
Outlook Express, browse through messages, and even delete
and move messages. However, as soon as I send or receive
ANY messages at all, I automatically get disconnected
from the internet, and an error stating "An unknown error
has occured" in Outlook Express comes up. This happened
every time I send/receive messages. Is there any way I
can fix this problem without having to re-install Outlook
Express? Is it primarily Outlooks fault? Or is there
something wrong with my conection?

Thanks to whomever can help. I appreciate it!


Jennifer said:
I'm currently experiencing difficulties with Outlook
Express online with a dial-up connection. I can open
Outlook Express, browse through messages, and even delete
and move messages. However, as soon as I send or receive
ANY messages at all, I automatically get disconnected
from the internet, and an error stating "An unknown error
has occured" in Outlook Express comes up. This happened
every time I send/receive messages. Is there any way I
can fix this problem without having to re-install Outlook
Express? Is it primarily Outlooks fault? Or is there
something wrong with my conection?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to give you a definitive answer without
looking at your machine. First, ask yourself "what changed between the
time things worked and the time they didn't?". Double-check your email
settings for smtp (you can get the correct settings from your ISP). If
everything still looks good, be sure you haven't got OE set to
disconnect after getting messages. Are you able to browse the Internet
successfully? And of course, since you are running Windows, be sure to
scan with a current antivirus program (meaning a version not later than
2002 and using updated virus definitions). Also, remove spyware with
Spybot Search & Destroy from and Ad-aware from


PA Bear

1a. How do you connect (e.g., DSL)?

1b. OE Tools>Accounts>[mail account(s)]>Properties>Connection>Always connect
using... (what are your settings here?)

2. Disable NAV's Email Protection. It provides no additional protection and
even Symantec says it's not necessary:
OE6-specific newsgroup:

HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

Protect Your PC


-----Original Message-----
I'm currently experiencing difficulties with Outlook
Express online with a dial-up connection. I can open
Outlook Express, browse through messages, and even delete
and move messages. However, as soon as I send or receive
ANY messages at all, I automatically get disconnected
from the internet, and an error stating "An unknown error
has occured" in Outlook Express comes up. This happened
every time I send/receive messages. Is there any way I
can fix this problem without having to re-install Outlook
Express? Is it primarily Outlooks fault? Or is there
something wrong with my conection?

Thanks to whomever can help. I appreciate it!
jennifer, this is sounding like an i s p issue. suggest
contact your i s p provider.


Jennifer check in tools/options/connection if there is a check beside "Hang up after sending and receiving" uncheck it
Hope this helps.

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