Dave Neve
I don't know much about Exchange although I have used Outlook (Office 2003)
for years
My school have just started using Outlook Exchange and I didn't expect to
have too many problems.
But if I use the full version (not lite), I keep getting an error message
for most operations
I've tried dropping the safety level to the lowest for secure sites (yep,
I've put my school in as a secure site) but something is still blocking most
Below, is the full message.
Can anyone give me the precise configuration which is blocking things on my
Thanks in advance
Error message follows and no, I don't have Mozilla but IE 7
Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: fr
User Language: fr
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types:
Exception Details
Date: Tue Dec 16 15:54:45 UTC+0100 2008
Message: Un composant ActiveX ne peut pas créer un objet.
Url: https://webmail.hei.fr/owa/
Line: 86
Call Stack
sNs = 'Notify'
sEv = 'Poll'
oCtx = 'null'
cb = [function cbPoll]
sVerb = 'POST'
sPath = 'null'
fSync = 0
fNUA = 1
Dump Event
recordset = null
type = error
fromElement = null
toElement = null
altLeft = false
keyCode = 0
repeat = false
reason = 0
behaviorCookie = 0
contentOverflow = false
behaviorPart = 0
dataTransfer = null
ctrlKey = false
shiftLeft = false
dataFld =
returnValue = undefined
qualifier =
wheelDelta = 0
bookmarks = null
button = 0
srcFilter = null
nextPage =
cancelBubble = false
x = 0
y = 0
srcElement = null
screenX = 482
screenY = 530
srcUrn =
boundElements = [object]
clientX = 482
clientY = 401
propertyName =
shiftKey = false
ctrlLeft = false
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
altKey = false
errorMessage = Un composant ActiveX ne peut pas créer un objet.
errorUrl = https://webmail.hei.fr/owa/
errorLine = 86
errorCharacter = 22
errorCode = 0
I don't know much about Exchange although I have used Outlook (Office 2003)
for years
My school have just started using Outlook Exchange and I didn't expect to
have too many problems.
But if I use the full version (not lite), I keep getting an error message
for most operations
I've tried dropping the safety level to the lowest for secure sites (yep,
I've put my school in as a secure site) but something is still blocking most
Below, is the full message.
Can anyone give me the precise configuration which is blocking things on my
Thanks in advance
Error message follows and no, I don't have Mozilla but IE 7
Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: fr
User Language: fr
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types:
Exception Details
Date: Tue Dec 16 15:54:45 UTC+0100 2008
Message: Un composant ActiveX ne peut pas créer un objet.
Url: https://webmail.hei.fr/owa/
Line: 86
Call Stack
sNs = 'Notify'
sEv = 'Poll'
oCtx = 'null'
cb = [function cbPoll]
sVerb = 'POST'
sPath = 'null'
fSync = 0
fNUA = 1
Dump Event
recordset = null
type = error
fromElement = null
toElement = null
altLeft = false
keyCode = 0
repeat = false
reason = 0
behaviorCookie = 0
contentOverflow = false
behaviorPart = 0
dataTransfer = null
ctrlKey = false
shiftLeft = false
dataFld =
returnValue = undefined
qualifier =
wheelDelta = 0
bookmarks = null
button = 0
srcFilter = null
nextPage =
cancelBubble = false
x = 0
y = 0
srcElement = null
screenX = 482
screenY = 530
srcUrn =
boundElements = [object]
clientX = 482
clientY = 401
propertyName =
shiftKey = false
ctrlLeft = false
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
altKey = false
errorMessage = Un composant ActiveX ne peut pas créer un objet.
errorUrl = https://webmail.hei.fr/owa/
errorLine = 86
errorCharacter = 22
errorCode = 0