I am very new at this website design stuff and to FP 2002
in particular.
I am trying to change a current Nav bar link's
destination to a new folder on my website named "links".
This folder will contain several html pages of links to
outside sites and these pages are created independent to
FP's designed pages. Inside this links folder will be its
own "links index" page. Hence I need to know how to best
modify one of my site's current Nav bars hyperlinks so it
points to the links folder index page, instead of to a FP
desinged page. What is best method and how can I do this
easly. Thanks!
in particular.
I am trying to change a current Nav bar link's
destination to a new folder on my website named "links".
This folder will contain several html pages of links to
outside sites and these pages are created independent to
FP's designed pages. Inside this links folder will be its
own "links index" page. Hence I need to know how to best
modify one of my site's current Nav bars hyperlinks so it
points to the links folder index page, instead of to a FP
desinged page. What is best method and how can I do this
easly. Thanks!