problem with my graphics card



when i play games like Half-Life 2 or other "good" games, after a while, the
screen turn black, and the lamp is orange, which means its in rest-mode but i
cant reactivate it, and i have to turn of by holding the start-button in the
sometimes, the screen automaticly turn back on, but the screen is messy,
like big pixels with the colors from the game :S wierd..
then i get a error message from a ATi-program about a VGU or VPU (dont know
which) stopped abeying command and been set down.. so the refresh is horrible
and i shut down.. i cant seem to fix this..

ive tried:

Installing newest drivers, tried DNA drivers, uninstalling dna drivers..

Speccs: 2.6 GHz - ATi Radeon 9800 Pro - 80 GB harddrive..
Plz help me!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

You're video card is probably overheating, and the repeated damage is likely
going to get worse, not better. It may be time for a new card.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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