Problem with media player


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Dear all

I have a problem which I am sure has an easy fix but here goes.....

I can listen to the radio on the laptop fine and also the welcome sounds on the computer and all that stuff works fine. CDs are reading fine but there is no sound from media player.

By the way I am using an IBM laptop model R52.

I suspect I've hit a button somewhere. The volume seems fine and is fine when listening to the radio.

Any ideas?

Gabriella xx
If you double click on the speaker icon the corner (the system tray), does it show the CD player volume level there? It's usually seperate to everything else and may be muted? :)

If that doesn't work, try going to Device Manager (right click My Computer > Properties > Device Manager) and double click on your CD drive, under properties there should be a Digital CD Playback box. Toggle that option and try again and see if that does the trick - it may just do.
Hi Ian

You just beat me to it - I did all the bits you suggested and nothing :(

However, when the other users on the laptop could use media player I investigated further and found my login was riddled with spyware and adware - not me I hasten to add but one of the younger inhabitants of this house. Removed 100 items, logged off and then in again and bingo, media player was working. Quite what was going on I don't know but all is well now.

Many thanks Ian :)

Gabriella xx