Enrico Pavesi
I'm tring to port XrossOne GDI+ to cf 2.0
Using the fontX class i have a strange exception (NotSupported) on Marshal .
GdiLogFont lf = new GdiLogFont();
lf.CharSet = (byte)GdiFontCharset.Default;
lf.ClipPrecision = 0;
IntPtr pLF = GdiHelper.LocalAlloc(0x40, 92);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lf, pLF, false); <------ Not Supported exception
Does it have something different than CF 1.0?
Using the fontX class i have a strange exception (NotSupported) on Marshal .
GdiLogFont lf = new GdiLogFont();
lf.CharSet = (byte)GdiFontCharset.Default;
lf.ClipPrecision = 0;
IntPtr pLF = GdiHelper.LocalAlloc(0x40, 92);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lf, pLF, false); <------ Not Supported exception
Does it have something different than CF 1.0?