problem with links to network pathways

  • Thread starter Joe E via
  • Start date

Joe E via


I have a problem when I receive emails that have a link to a location on the
local network. The problem occurs when one of the directories in the network
pathway has a space in its name.

For example I may get an email that has the following link:
\\Server006\development\new projects\doc1.doc

Outlook will then recognize this as a pathway and try to format it as a
hyperlink, so that I can automatically open doc1.doc by clicking the \\
Server006\development\new projects\doc1.doc link. However, because of the
space in the directory named "new projects" outlook will not format the
entire pathway as a hyperlink, but rather the hyperlink formatting will only
go as far as the word "new."
Therefore "\\Server006\development\new" becomes a clickable hyperlink, but
the remainder of the pathway "projects\doc1.doc" does not become part of the
hyperlink, and because the hyplink gets cut off, the hyperlink refers to a
directory that does not exist. So when I try to click the partial hyperlink,
I get an error message.

Does anyone have a suggestion of how to get around this problem?



Use "file://" minus the quotes before the actual link. When writing an
e-mail, click Insert | Hyperlink. It has options for various types of links.
You can also avoid naming folders/files with spaces in them, but that can be
hard wtih so many users out there.

file://\\Server006\development\new projects\doc1.doc

Joe E via

I tried the "file://" without the quotes but it did not help. Also, I looked
into my email settings further and found that I'm using plaintext email
format and therefore cannot format anything as a hyperlink. However, even in
plaintext format, Outlook automatically formats pathways to be hyperlinks,
but it always cuts off the hyperlink formatting once it encounters a space.
Any other suggestions?



In that case, you'll have to use HTML as your email format and then you can
Insert | Hyeperlink. I noticed that if you're typing up a link using file://
and you use a space in the link, you can then go back and delete the space
and then type the space. It seemed to create the link with spaces...

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