Yes I have a MYSQL backend - sorry i should have said this. Thanks for your
deligence in helping me with this. I will be glad if i can get it to work.
Yes all other criteria searches work correctly till i add the name search
with a wild character and it starts pulling all the record in the table even
when i search with let say the case number
There is no error with the code behind except when i use Using - Like "'*" &
This code if fixed is the result that I want .Using this Like "*" &
([Forms]![Main_Menu]![txt_exis_pt_name_search]) & "*" - Pulls the exact name
correctly like if i search for angel curt. If i search for betty it also
brings back all the records with betty in it like betty white, betty jack and
so on which is exactly what i want for the name search only. The problems is
when I search for a case with case no 12, it brings back all the records in
the database which is different from before i put in the "*" "*"
Using this Like "%" & [Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name] & "%" - Same result
with Like "*" & ([Forms]![Main_Menu]![txt_exis_pt_name_search]) & "*"
Using - Like "'*" &
(nz([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name_search],"Z1Z2Z3Z4")) & "*'" - This gives
me an error '2001' you can canceled the previous operation
when i enter the patient number as the criteria on this line which works
when i don't have the name code If DCount("[t.fin_nbr]",
"the_name_of_the_query") = 0 Then
Daryl S said:
Ecwhite -
I just saw in another posting of yours that had % for a wildcard. Do you
have a SQL Server back-end? If so, change the asterisk (wildcard in Access)
to the % (wildcard for SQL Server)...
Daryl S
I tried it gives me an error '2001' you can canceled the previous operation
when i enter the patient number as the criteria on this line which works when
i don't have the name code If DCount("[t.fin_nbr]",
"the_name_of_the_query") = 0 Then
Here is what the code behind the click event of the serch button look like.
Please note i have one If Statement block for each search criteria and it
works perfectly till i put the name criteria in the query design
If Not IsNull(Me.txt_exis_pt_fin_nbr) Then
If DCount("[t.fin_nbr]", "the_name_of_the_query") = 0 Then
Dim stmacro_No_Existing_Case_RecordFound As String
stmacro_No_Existing_Case_RecordFound =
DoCmd.RunMacro stmacro_No_Existing_Case_RecordFound
stDocexistingName =
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocexistingName
End If
End If
I reduced the where clause to two fields for now to resolve this first
WHERE (((t.fin_nbr)=Forms!Main.txt_exis_pt_fin_nbr_search)) Or
(((t.patient_name) Like "'*" &
(nz(Forms!Main!txt_exis_pt_name_search,"########")) & "*'"));
) Like "'*" & (nz(Forms!Main!txt_exis_pt_name_search,"########")) & "*'"));
Ecwhite -
OK, so the OR is good. Your Like statement will return all records if the
txt_exis_pt_name_search is blank. To prevent this, you need to test for null
and replace that with something that would never be in the name field. I
have done that with the Z1Z2Z23Z4 in the code below. I also added the text
delimeter of a single-quote to the asterisks. Try this:
SELECT t.case_nbr, t.medrec_nbr, t.fin_nbr, t.patient_name, t.old_case_nbr,
t.admit_date, t.gender, FROM t
WHERE (((t.case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_caseno_search])) OR
(((t.fin_nbr)=[Forms]![Main].[txt_exis_pt_fin_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.medrec_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_medrec_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.old_case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_oldcaseno_search])) OR
(((t.patient_name) Like "'*" &
(nz([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name_search],"Z1Z2Z3Z4")) &
Daryl S
txt_exis_pt_name_search - with name search, if i type betty, there could be
more than one betty in the table so i want it to bring back all records with
betty in it.
I want them to search with one criteria at a time that is why i am using the
OR instead of an AND.
The rest of the search criteria is one to one meaning there could only be
one record with the same case number but many people with the same name.
I also tried the suggestion Like "*" & [Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name] & "*"
but it gives error. It makes the name one try to run first.
Ecwhite -
What do you want the txt_exis_pt_name_search to do for the query? What you
have done with the OR is to include in the query any records that match this
criteria, as well as any records that the query would have returned without
this criteria.
If you wanted to reduce the records the query was returning by limiting
those records to ones with the txt_exis_pt_name_search in the patient_name
field, then you need to AND this criteria. Be careful of the parentheses -
like this:
SELECT t.case_nbr, t.medrec_nbr, t.fin_nbr, t.patient_name, t.old_case_nbr,
t.admit_date, t.gender, FROM t
WHERE ((((t.case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_caseno_search])) OR
(((t.fin_nbr)=[Forms]![Main].[txt_exis_pt_fin_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.medrec_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_medrec_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.old_case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_oldcaseno_search]))) AND
(((t.patient_name) Like "*" & ([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name_search]) &
If this is not what you are asking for, then please post some results of the
query before and after adding the criteria, and why the records don't meet
your needs.
Daryl S
Please help everything works well till i put in the Like "*" &
([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name]) & "*"
Using Like "*" & ([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name]) & "*" broke the code
for all the other single relationship record criteria that bring back 1
record how can I fix it? When I say it broke it what I meant it brings back
the same record when I test for
1. case_nbr
2. med_rec and the other single row record
but the name works correctly. When I take out Using Like "*" &
([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name]) & "*" everything starts working
correctly again but i need to be able to pull multiple records when available
with the name.
Here is what my code look like
SELECT t.case_nbr, t.medrec_nbr, t.fin_nbr, t.patient_name, t.old_case_nbr,
t.admit_date, t.gender, FROM t
WHERE (((t.case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_caseno_search])) OR
(((t.fin_nbr)=[Forms]![Main].[txt_exis_pt_fin_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.medrec_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_medrec_nbr_search])) OR
(((t.old_case_nbr)=[Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_oldcaseno_search])) OR
(((t.patient_name) Like "*" & ([Forms]![Main]![txt_exis_pt_name_search]) &