Problem with IE7 & MSHTML



I hope this is a suitable newsgroup...I could not find an IE7 related

I recently updated to IE7 on an XP machine with SP2. Recently I tried to
visit and received a exception message indicating the
window would close.

After searching Google and other sites I found a suggestion to start IE7
without add-ons. This temporarily fixed the problem. I then removed Google
Desktop and reset IE7 options so that all add-ons would not load.

Now, when I visit the above-mentioned site I no longer get the error message
but IE7 just terminates without warning.

I have another laptop that does not display this behaviour so I suspect it
has something to do with the version of MSHTML that is installed. I've
attempted to perform a full windows update but everything is already up to

I have attempted to search for a MSHTML download but have has no luck.

Can someone please indicate if I am on the right track and, if possible,
make alternative suggestions to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.



|I hope this is a suitable newsgroup...I could not find an IE7 related
| newsgroup.
| I recently updated to IE7 on an XP machine with SP2. Recently I tried to
| visit and received a exception message indicating the
| window would close.
| After searching Google and other sites I found a suggestion to start IE7
| without add-ons. This temporarily fixed the problem. I then removed Google
| Desktop and reset IE7 options so that all add-ons would not load.
| Now, when I visit the above-mentioned site I no longer get the error message
| but IE7 just terminates without warning.
| I have another laptop that does not display this behaviour so I suspect it
| has something to do with the version of MSHTML that is installed. I've
| attempted to perform a full windows update but everything is already up to
| date.
| I have attempted to search for a MSHTML download but have has no luck.
| Can someone please indicate if I am on the right track and, if possible,
| make alternative suggestions to resolve this problem.
| Thanks in advance.
| Kevin

Hi Kevin, crossposted for your convenience.
For IE7 assistance, please post to :microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

Web interface -

Newsreader -

TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2008 - Australia
How to ask a question:
Emails will not be acknowledged - please post to the newsgroup so all may benefit.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

TaurArian said:
|I hope this is a suitable newsgroup...I could not find an IE7 related
| newsgroup.
| I recently updated to IE7 on an XP machine with SP2. Recently I tried
| visit and received a exception message indicating
| window would close.
| After searching Google and other sites I found a suggestion to start IE7
| without add-ons. This temporarily fixed the problem. I then removed
| Desktop and reset IE7 options so that all add-ons would not load.
| Now, when I visit the above-mentioned site I no longer get the error
| but IE7 just terminates without warning.
| I have another laptop that does not display this behaviour so I suspect
| has something to do with the version of MSHTML that is installed. I've
| attempted to perform a full windows update but everything is already up
| date.
| I have attempted to search for a MSHTML download but have has no luck.
| Can someone please indicate if I am on the right track and, if possible,
| make alternative suggestions to resolve this problem.

I know of three causes for the vast majority of such problems:
1. Incompatible add-ons: What if you right click the IE icon on the desktop
and choose Start Without Add-ons?
Or go to Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Internet
Explorer (No Add-ons).

2. Tools | Internet Options | Advanced
Scroll to the bottom and click Reset Internet Explorer Settings. See this
article first:
How to use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES):

3. Malware already installed on the computer: Help with malware
All MS-MVP Sites.

Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by deceptive software.

So How Did I Get Infected Anyway?
For quite a few people it's by installing programs like Messenger Plus,
whose ads for
malware don't identify the malware as such and try to convince you that you
owe it to the author. See also:
Don't ever do a "default" install of anything. Always choose Custom and see
what else is being carried along. Don't install any extras you're not sure

You might also try the steps here:
"Internet Explorer stops responding, stops working, or restarts"

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