Problem with IE 6: SP2

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ok, I've been using the puter for years and years and this one has me
totally bumfuzzled LOL

Question 1.

Everytime I try to connect with my 56k connection, I get a return of
"Invalid username or bad password" Even though I clicked to save my password.

If I backspace the password and retype it, it connects everytime. Why does
IE 6 not remember my password correctly or why does it send the wrong one.
I'd say it happens about 80% of the time, the 20% it connects with the saved

I am using:
IE 6 Version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519

Question 2.
When will we be seeing a new IE version? Anytime soon?
IE 6 sure has been reliable for me but its starting to get a little old
and starting to act up more and more lately.

Thanks for any help, in advance...
RickXP said:
ok, I've been using the puter for years and years and this one has me
totally bumfuzzled LOL

Question 1.

Everytime I try to connect with my 56k connection, I get a return of
"Invalid username or bad password" Even though I clicked to save my

If I backspace the password and retype it, it connects everytime. Why does
IE 6 not remember my password correctly or why does it send the wrong one.
I'd say it happens about 80% of the time, the 20% it connects with the

I am using:
IE 6 Version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519

Connect as admin and try resetting the password.
Question 2.
When will we be seeing a new IE version? Anytime soon?
IE 6 sure has been reliable for me but its starting to get a little old
and starting to act up more and more lately.

They disbanded the IE team after v6. Following the success of a couple of
other newer browsers they formed a team to create a new version they are
working on- no official release date as far as I know but look on MS site to
see if there is any news. Meanwhile why not get Firefox to see why they took
this action?
Ya, my dad uses it and likes it alot. I just always preferred IE because I
knew how to fix it when it broke down. Well except this time lol Maybe I'll
check it out. Couldn't hurt.

Thanks Ed.
oops I missed the 1st part of your answer.
Yes, I've done the admin thing. Thing of it is, I always run as admin
with just 1 account. I know, not smart but I hate changing back and forth.
RickXP said:
ok, I've been using the puter for years and years and this one has me
totally bumfuzzled LOL

Question 1.

Everytime I try to connect with my 56k connection, I get a return of
"Invalid username or bad password" Even though I clicked to save my

If I backspace the password and retype it, it connects everytime. Why
does IE 6 not remember my password correctly or why does it send the
wrong one. I'd say it happens about 80% of the time, the 20% it
connects with the saved password.

I am using:
IE 6 Version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519

Question 2.
When will we be seeing a new IE version? Anytime soon?
IE 6 sure has been reliable for me but its starting to get a little
and starting to act up more and more lately.

Thanks for any help, in advance...


But I'd first try Protected Storage Passview

Also see Protected Storage - Save Password, AutoComplete issues

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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Protect your PC
RickXP wrote on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:23:01 -0800:
Question 2.
When will we be seeing a new IE version? Anytime soon?
IE 6 sure has been reliable for me but its starting to get a little old
and starting to act up more and more lately.

A public beta for XP is due first quarter of 2006, but there is no release
date for the final version as yet.

Thanks for both replies.
Yes, I've tried everything and I still get error 691.
I'll try those links and see what I can find.

IE Beta or not...GIMME! lol I downloaded FireFox and its got a lot of
eye candy and some nice functions but I'll stick with MS if I can get it.
I'm one of those people who hates to move onto something new and
different I guess. Thanks again