Problem with hard drive

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A week ago I buyed my hard drive. It worked well. I putted al my needed
things on it, and so on... Untill this week. I got this error message =>

It is a blue screen with this code

(Windows closed because it will damage or something)


STOP: 0x0000009c (0x00000004,0x80545FF0,0xB2000000,0x00070F0F)

Maybe someone can help. So I can get my personal files back
Joogle said:
A week ago I buyed my hard drive. It worked well. I putted al my needed
things on it, and so on... Untill this week. I got this error message =>

It is a blue screen with this code

(Windows closed because it will damage or something)


STOP: 0x0000009c (0x00000004,0x80545FF0,0xB2000000,0x00070F0F)

Maybe someone can help. So I can get my personal files back

If English is not your native tongue, please post to a newsgroup that
supports your native tongue.

If English is your native tongue, go back to school and complete the fourth

**I buyed my hard drive*** should read I bought my hard drive.
**I putted al my needed things** WTF is putted? How do you putted
anything? Have you a clue?

Not a single sentence you typed is correct.

If you are a native English speaker, I encourage you to learn to speak and
write your language properly. You are judged by how you speak and write,
and an average fourth grader can make a better post than the one you made.

This newsgroup is a peer to peer support group, but there are no second
graders here that can work at the level you presented in your post. You
will need to have a least a functionally basic knowledge of the English
language to receive any benefit from this group.

If English is not your native tongue, then I commend you for your efforts.
With a little more diligence, you will soon have a basic knowledge of


Take a look at this article:

Avoid using applications on your system until you have this resolved
otherwise you risk corrupting your data files. I suggest strongly first
thing you do is backup your data to CD / DVD or some other media.

The STOP code indicates a motherboard level problem. If you are still
running XP (is it XP?) off the original disc drive then it would not appear
to be related to your new disc drive although it could have been caused by
something that happened during its installation.

Could you have bumped the memory chips, PCI cards, power connectors,
dislodged anything when installing the new drive?

Take anti static precautions and re-seat the components & power connectors
inside the system by pulling them out carefully and re-inserting them. Make
sure they insert correctly. I would also check the BIOS settings for memory
speed etc. They should normally be on Auto. On (particularly for Intel 875
and 865 chipset motherboards) some motherboards you have to up the memory
voltage by 0.1 or 0.2 volts to get stability. This will *not* harm your
memory as most memory is rated for use up to 3.0v. Contemplate this if you
get errors in memtest86 using default memory timings and you are using the
most recent BIOS. If you don't have an 865 or 875 based motherboard then
ignore changing the voltage unless someone tells you to.

If you took the CPU heatsink off, did you remount it correctly? Did you
clean off the old gunk and use new thermal paste?
If you go into the bios, you should be able to see CPU Temp and power supply
voltages. PSU voltages should be within 5% of stated voltage. Any CPU temp
over 60c (Intel Prescott and later), or 50c (the rest) when idle is warm to
hot with an ambient of 21c.

Are all cooling fans in the system working correctly?
Are you overclocking? If so, reset the CPU and memory speed timings as

If you post back, please include Make & model of motherboard, chipset, make
& model of RAM, BIOS version and full details of the hardware configuration.

To perform a basic stability test outside of Windows, download and run
memtest86 (from - follow the instructions on their web
site. This is not exhaustive, but will prove CPU -> RAM is OK. In Windows, a
better test is Prime95 Torture Test (from

- Tim
A troll in the making. Keep up the good work.

NoNoBadDog! said:
If English is not your native tongue, please post to a newsgroup that
supports your native tongue.

If English is your native tongue, go back to school and complete the
fourth grade.

**I buyed my hard drive*** should read I bought my hard drive.
**I putted al my needed things** WTF is putted? How do you putted
anything? Have you a clue?

Not a single sentence you typed is correct.

If you are a native English speaker, I encourage you to learn to speak and
write your language properly. You are judged by how you speak and write,
and an average fourth grader can make a better post than the one you made.

This newsgroup is a peer to peer support group, but there are no second
graders here that can work at the level you presented in your post. You
will need to have a least a functionally basic knowledge of the English
language to receive any benefit from this group.

If English is not your native tongue, then I commend you for your efforts.
With a little more diligence, you will soon have a basic knowledge of

Not a troll.....just someone that hopes your children speak/write just like
the OP. I bet you would care then.

The point is, if we accept someone posting like the OP, then we are
condoning it. The OP will be doomed to a lifetime of flipping burgers or
washing respectable employer will hire someone that speaks that

I will "keep up the good work".

Bobby, where are you from?
I normally have the utmost of respect for your qualified comments.

Oddly enough the english you complain about is no worse than stock english
in some of America's southern states. If you want really 'odd' english, go
to England. You often won't understand a word they say over there!

I had a conversation with a Policeman in London that went like this:

Walking down St James St. London.
Policeman sees me and walks straight up to me.
"manamanamana manamanamana?" said the policeman
(sounded like that song Manama Na Do do be do... from Sesame st.).
I said clearly "Pardon?"
He said
"manamanamana manamanamana?"
I said slowly "Could... you... say... that... again... please..., I do...
not... understand... you."
He said
"manamanamana manamanamana?"
I said "Do... You... Speak... ENGLISH...?"
He said
"Daugh Yaough Spoauk OENGLOISH?"
I said
We both laughed.
He wanted me to volunteer to be in a line up which I did and got paid 7 Quid
as they say.

Sometimes you have to be tolerant otherwise you risk getting arrested for no
fault of your own...

Your a bright lad (? may be a lass for all I know) - see the light man.

- Tim

I have been fortunate enough to visit England a couple of times. My
youngest son is currently stationed at Mildenhall, so I can sympathize with
your experience. I do stand by my original post. The OP does not have an
accent problem or a regionalized dialect problem. There is currently no
region of the United States or the United Kingdom that utilizes
colloquialisms like *I buyed my....* and *I putted my...". The reason we
are seeing it here is that our (American) educational system has
deteriorated to such a degree that someone can actually graduate High School
and not have a functional knowledge of the English language as it is used
and spoken on this side of the Atlantic. The OP probably has no idea that
he presents himself as a complete illiterate...perhaps no one has ever
corrected him before. But it should be corrected. There is no reason for
someone to butcher the language in such a manner, and if my post forced the
OP to at least consider the fact that he did not make a single correct
sentence, much less a coherent question, then perhaps he *might* make an
effort to correct it. Then again, he might not. I feel empathy for
him...that is why I posted. How can anyone ever take him seriously when he
speaks and writes the way he does? For the sake of this conversation,
suppose you were hiring for a position that had limited contact with the
public. Would you hire someone who spoke the way he posted? Would you want
someone representing your company, even in a minor way, that wrote the way
he did? What if a close family member spoke and wrote that way. Would you
not wish to point out the problem?

I sincerely hate to see people rammed through the educational system and
then let loose into the world with such a handicap. When was the last time
you met a waiter that talked that way? When was the last time you met a
manager that spoke that way?

I hope the OP will at least consider that the way that he presents himself
to the world around him is the way that he will be treated. If he presents
himself as illiterate and dysfunctional, that is the way he will be treated.
While I do not expect perfect usage, I cringe when I hear things like *I
buyed my* and *I putted my*...not to mention the all time worst: *Can I AXE
you a question?*.

I am sorry if my post offended you. It was not meant to be offensive. It
was meant as a stern warning to the OP that he presents himself in a very
unfavorable light.

NoNoBadDog! said:
Not a troll.....just someone that hopes your children speak/write just
like the OP. I bet you would care then.

The point is, if we accept someone posting like the OP, then we are
condoning it. The OP will be doomed to a lifetime of flipping burgers or
washing respectable employer will hire someone that speaks
that way.

I will "keep up the good work".
