Windows Vista Problem with going to \\servername

Sep 14, 2004
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I have a problem in Vista 64 where when i put \\servername in the address bar in my computer screen it comes up with the following error message;

"Access to the resource '\\Serveranme' has been disallowed"

However if i go to network and go to that server i can get onto it fine no problems. I do also have full access to the server.

Can anyone help


No Still comes up with the same error, although what i have tried is logging onto another PC on the domain and i get the same error, where another domain admin does not !! I have created a new user on the domain with domain admin rights and still no joy. Im gona get another admin to log onto my pc and give it a go see what happens....
Ok resolved the issue now - got another admin to log on my PC and it all worked, weird though i have all the same rights as him????? so Ive copied his user and re-setup my user and its all working.... its not the best solution but at least its working now.