Problem with games minimizing and Hotfixes.



Hiya all

I've just recently upgraded to Win XP (local version, OEM) and have
experienced problems with my games.

Each time I try to play R6: Ravenshield or SW:KotOR (only games I've got
installed atm) they minimize often for no reason (no - I'm not pressing
"win"-key or anything like that).

My DirectX test (dxdiag) also can't complete Direct3D tests, because it says
I've aborted the test by pressing a key (no - I am still not pressing any
keys ;))

I found somewhere on the internet that removing 4 windows hotfixes:
KB828035, kb823182, kb824141 and kb825119 would solve this, and sure
enough - I could play again. But I wonder if there is anybody else that have
had a similar problem that maybe had another solution, becuase I don't
really like having to keep thoese hotfixes from my computer.

I've also tried disableing all my Norton while gaming - no luck (antivirus
and firewall, which I really don't wanna have disabled anyways) - the games
still minimzied.
My keyboard is a Microsoft Natural Pro with the latest Intelli drivers

Running Pentium 4, 2.4 on ASUS P4PE motherboard.
1 GigB. RAM
ASUS GeForce 4 Ti4200 (running Nvidia drivers, have tried all from 45.XX
version to latest version)

After removing the 4 hotfixes I can game the two games and Direct3D test
passes withouht problems, I wonder if there is some problem here?

I hope somebody have some other possible solutions, because I am rather
annoyed at not being able to update my XP.



Not me.

WF Peifer said:
"ASH" <nogen> wrote in message

Are you Ash Leask from "Down Under"? If so, please check in at the
A.S.F.P.P-E forum, newsgroup or Yahoo site.


Have the same problem with an internet explorer fix - also

Nobody that knows anything?


Chris H.

"Disabling" Symantec products (or even ZoneAlarm) doesn't keep it from
running unless you remove everything that loads on a boot, then reboot. The
"exit" for the programs in the Systray basically exists the icon from being
there. Do a Ctrl-Alt-Del some time, and you'll see the stuff is still

Which version of DirectX are you running? If you're not running 9.0b, you
should update because it has more DirectPlay support:


I'm running DirectX 9.0b.

I'll try to kill the Norton and test it out - although I don't see that as a
permanent solution, I'd rather downgrade windows then run "un-protected".


Chris H.

Or use any one of the free anti-virus programs, like AVG. :cool: They do the
same job, but don't take over the system. The other thing you might try is
switching keyboards if you've got another one to use. Sometimes a keyboard
will put in some "ghost" keys if it is older or dirty.


It seems the problem might originate from the Norton Anti Virus "Auto
Protect" feature -that seemingly continuesly protects the harddrive from

I've tried disableing that feature in my Norton AV/Firewall - and it looks
to work withouth that one.

Just annyoing that it seems to not be able to run together - I rather liked
Norton and haven't had any problems like this before .... wonder if the same
problem persists in the 2004 version (I'm running Internet Security 2003)



For what it's worth, I don't have any problems with games or anything else
with NIS 2004 installed and running all the time.

"ASH" <nogen> wrote in message It seems the problem might originate from the Norton Anti Virus "Auto
Protect" feature -that seemingly continuesly protects the harddrive from

I've tried disableing that feature in my Norton AV/Firewall - and it looks
to work withouth that one.

Just annyoing that it seems to not be able to run together - I rather liked
Norton and haven't had any problems like this before .... wonder if the same
problem persists in the 2004 version (I'm running Internet Security 2003)



I will try to get word to Symantec to see if this is a "known" issue and if
it persists with NIS 2004 - it might be some other element in my settings
that play into the problem.

Thanks for the word up on 2004 - I really like using Norton and would like
to continue using their products.


Chris H.

Honestly, the permanent solution may be to try some of the free anti-virus
programs out there. I personally use AVG, and those I recommended it to
have found their systems perform much better without the Symantec software
installed. You could actually uninstall your present setup, and try a few
other products to see the difference.

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