Problem with freezing and monitor

Oct 17, 2005
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Well recently my computer started freezing quite often, and when I manually restarted my monitor would fail. I would have the weird BIOS beeps that means the video output didn't work right. So, I reformatted windows and now I still have the same problem, so I am pretty positive that it is a hardware problem, does anyone have any ideas or tips.

I don't even have to have a lot of programs running. Sometimes I do fine for like a few days, then other times it freezes every five minutes. Help! or point me in the right direction.
Most of the time I am opening or closing a window when it freezes. I've reformatted though so I don't think its a software problem.

Also, I have a GeForce FX 5600 256 MB graphics card, and a Samsung 738 MB monitor. If that helps at all. I'm going to try to refit my graphics card though. I have had both the monitor and the card for about 1.5 years. I built my pc myself, and this is the first time I have had problems, and unfortunately I think they might be serious.
If you're hearing a beep on restart, that means for sure it's a vga problem.It won't last too much. I don't won't to say that, but prepare for another GeForcee 6600 card. I already had the same problem, but with a 32mb vga card.Now i bought a LeadTech 6600 graphic card, it's amazing.
