I have a probleme with extension FP in particular with forms..
When i publish the site all is ok but when i view the result in my internet
Explorer or other i have a message:
Erreur FrontPage.
Utilisateur : indiquez les détails à l'administrateur Web de ce site.
Administrateur Web : consultez le journal des événements de l'application
serveur pour plus d'informations.
in english:
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.
Webmaster: please see the server's application event log for more details.
I don't understand what happend.
Problably permission problem?
I add IUSER_machinename account but is the same think.
thank's for your answers
Sorry for my poor english...
I have a probleme with extension FP in particular with forms..
When i publish the site all is ok but when i view the result in my internet
Explorer or other i have a message:
Erreur FrontPage.
Utilisateur : indiquez les détails à l'administrateur Web de ce site.
Administrateur Web : consultez le journal des événements de l'application
serveur pour plus d'informations.
in english:
FrontPage Error.
User: please report details to this site's webmaster.
Webmaster: please see the server's application event log for more details.
I don't understand what happend.
Problably permission problem?
I add IUSER_machinename account but is the same think.
thank's for your answers
Sorry for my poor english...