Problem with Format statement

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marijan glavaè

I am using in my code :

Public Sub PopuniGlavnuFormu()
lblOpis = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 3)
lblArtiklBroj = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 6)
lblSifraArtikla = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 7)
lblPopust = Format(Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 13),
lblCarina = Format(Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 14),
lblCijenaDobavljaca =
Format(Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 12), "##0.00¤")
lblCijenaFcoZagreb = Format(Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed,
15), "##0.00¤")
lblRokIsporuke = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 16)
lblIzvorPodataka = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 17)
lblStandard = Worksheets("Podaci").Cells(TrazeniRed, 10)
End Sub

and i got message :
Compile error : Can't find project or library

in the line lblPopust

Please help.
In the VBA Editor, go to the Tools menu, choose References, and
check for any reference that is marked "MISSING". If the
reference is not needed, uncheck it. To restore all of Excel's
references, close Excel, go to the Windows Start menu, choose Run
and enter

Excel.exe /regserver

This will cause Excel to start, rewrite all of its references to
the Windows Registry, and then quit. Now, try starting Excel

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
after you get it, in the VBE go into tools=>References and see if you have a
reference marked as MISSING. This missing reference can cause this problem
even though it is not related to the commands on the line where the error

Remove the reference or fix it.