I have two tables: tbltripheader (primary key is tripnumber) and tbltripdata
(primary is flttripnumber). Relationship is defined between the two on the
primary keys being equal.
On a form (control source is tbltripheader) the user begins the header
information for the trip. There is a command button that, when clicked,
opens another form where I want the user to enter the additional details
about the trip, which is to be stored in tbltripdata.
I'm having a problem getting the tripnumber from the first form to
automatically load/display on the second form as the flttripnumber. When I
try setting the control source of the textbox on the second form for
flttripnumber=Forms!frmtripheader.tripnumber I get the value but the database
still thinks it's Null.
In addition, I'm trying to make sure that only one record can be added on
the second form for each tripnumber.
Any ideas?
(primary is flttripnumber). Relationship is defined between the two on the
primary keys being equal.
On a form (control source is tbltripheader) the user begins the header
information for the trip. There is a command button that, when clicked,
opens another form where I want the user to enter the additional details
about the trip, which is to be stored in tbltripdata.
I'm having a problem getting the tripnumber from the first form to
automatically load/display on the second form as the flttripnumber. When I
try setting the control source of the textbox on the second form for
flttripnumber=Forms!frmtripheader.tripnumber I get the value but the database
still thinks it's Null.
In addition, I'm trying to make sure that only one record can be added on
the second form for each tripnumber.
Any ideas?