Problem with EXCEl reading CD files



I have a new Dell Computer with Microsoft Professional XP
and Office 2003. I got a CD from IRS with excel and
ascii files When I try to open them I get an error
message that says the file may be read only or the device
may be read only or the server may not be in service.
IRS uses excel 4.0. The 2003 system has to be cancelled
out of. Then I moved the CD to an old 98 Office 2000
system and excel 2000 would open the files but the files
that I had tried to open on the new computer were
corrupted. Files I did not open on the new computer were
fine. IRS has not experienced this problem Does anyone
know what the problem is? I get the same error messages
with the ASCII files trying to open them in EXCEL. I did
not have any problem opening WORD files on the CD on the
new machine.

Earl Kiosterud


Try copying the files to the hard disk, and opening them from there.

Trevor Shuttleworth


all files on a CD will be marked as Read Only. You can open them and edit
them but you'd have to save them to the hard disk or a network drive.
Alternatively, you can copy the file to the hard disk or the network drive,
change (switch off) the Read Only attribute and then edit the file. You
will then be able to save the file.



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