Answer to OP/Galen within..
I'm new to xp so forgive my ignorance. I have a dvd-rw drive which
I've used to copy several downloaded files to a cdrw for archival
purposes. When I tried to copy a file from this cdrw back to my hd,
I got an error message that said "cannot copy xxxx: data error
(cyclic redundancy check)."
I ejected the cd and put it in my win98 box and it read the files and
copied them from the cdrw with no problem. What am I doing wrong in
BTW, I did a websearch on the "cyclic redundancy check" error message
and the only thing I could find was that the file or cdrw is corrupt
(crc error). If that were the case, then it seems the file wouldn't
be usable on my win98 system, which it is.
First - the sections specific to the OP...
The problem COULD be hardware and COULD be software... What if, for
instance, the software used for burning didn't support checking for
warped media and couldn't write to it? What if they got a garbage
batch of DVDs or bought cheap media incompatable with their hardware?
I have, for instance, a chunk of 100 DVDs that I'd give you for the
low price of asking because I can't seem to burn VHS to them no
matter what analoge converter I use while any other name brand burns
them just fine. For date they work great. Anything else? They bite...
Given everything the OP said I'd say check the drive on a separate OS
or with alternate software. I would certainly try a different brand
of media first... If the drive is still faulty return it ASAP while
hopefully it's warrantied.
Galen is correct. I too have gotten several "batches" of CDs/DVDs that
could be burned and read in one CD/DVD drive, but not others. I have not
ran into the OS/driver problem, merely quality of CD/DVD issues - usually
equated in the end to the quality of the hardware itself. I still have an
older HP CD burner that reads CDs other CD drives cannot.. And I have had
better luck with my Plextor DVD drive reading everything given to me than
other drives.
This is what leads me to believe your problem is hardware related. There is
a quality difference in hardware that has been made obvious to me throughout
usage over time. The fact that my HP CD drive reads CDs others give me
while other drives I have access to will not tells me that even if the media
is at fault, a quality drive can make up the difference. The Plextor DVD
drive pattern for me also points in that direction (for me anyway.) (What
is surprising is that the CDs the HP will read.. well the Plextor DVD drive
sometimes won't read.. even though it has read DVD media in the past my
other DVD drives could not.)
Galen's point about checking the drive with an alternative OS is very valid
in this instance.. Since the OP definitely has this access. Swap the drive
out and see what happens. Worst case, you've wasted 30 minutes. Best case,
it will point to a more precise reason for the problem.
Now the sections more specific to myself..
I don't know you nor do I want to start anything that you'd consider
offensive. I follow the Sherlock Holmes method. I will finish...
At first I read your posts and I thought that you posted the same
thing every time. I almost kill filed you to be honest to avoid
reading/downloading the answers. I bumped into some that were not the
same cut/paste and decided I'd not do so at that time. I'm glad I
I appreciate that. Yes - I do post the "long post" quite often. Often
enough that hopefully it comes up in Google searches by now. heh However, I
also give other advice.. I came up with that long post from experience and
since my experiencing has not ended, my answers constantly adjust as well.
Sometimes the long post is not needed and in those instances, I do not post
it. There have been times where it was overkill, and there have been times
where my answers were incorrect. You cannot learn by always being right.
Why do I post this? Add this? Because you're active here and I hope
that I'm right. I'm always hoping that the fault is less expensive
and try the simple solutions first. People have 'flamed' you in the
past and I am not one to do that. Instead I'll ask why you said
something... I'm not always right... I hope for a 50/50 percentile
Better than a major league baseball player
Anyhow, I've read your
posts... You, and a number of other's, are flagged as "posts of
interest" and coloured a rather horrid magenta color (sorry about
that but it's the last color remaining with my rule set that would
not confuzzle me) so please don't take this as a flame but rather a
quest to understand what it was in the first place that got me to
flag your posts.
From what I read, you were right - I overlooked something that could be a
more obvious/less expensive solution. The OP does have a unique position
where the CDs are written but cannot be read on the system they were written
on - but are read just fine (on all things) an older (likely) Windows 98
system! Really strange. My bet still goes for "low-quality hardware", but
if they can fix it with an update, moving the drive to another channel or
just trying out a better quality media.. That would be fantastic!
My reply to email is valid if you feel offended or if you think that
this is a topic best removed from the group.
Nah - I prefer people to critique and think rather than just take advice
blindly or turn a blind eye. I have never "kill-filed" anyone - mostly
because I don't get "offended" (usually - this has been a trying month
anyway) easily and because even those who give "wrong" answers or are just
blow-hards looking for a fight (trolls even) - sometimes shine a light on
something I wouldn't have seen otherwise.
I appreciate your comments.. I do not take offense to them and look forward
to noticing more of your posts around here!