Mike Webb
The formula causing me fits is "=DSUM(Grants,Grants!$E$10,C74
(without the quotes); it's from a budget worksheet I'm adapting for our
org's use.
I keep getting a "#VALUE" error. When I simplify it down to retrieving a
single value from the worksheet, it does fine. But a DSUM causes the error
every time. I've used the forumla checker but it runs out to everything in
parentheses and then gives the error. I verified in Insert > Names > Define
that the cell range is the worksheet I need and includes just the cells I
need - to include the Totals row at the bottom and the column headers at the
top (single row). I don't know how to further "dissect" the DSUM to find
the specific problem. Maybe I should delete the name and then re-create it
...... ? Any ideas?

(without the quotes); it's from a budget worksheet I'm adapting for our
org's use.
I keep getting a "#VALUE" error. When I simplify it down to retrieving a
single value from the worksheet, it does fine. But a DSUM causes the error
every time. I've used the forumla checker but it runs out to everything in
parentheses and then gives the error. I verified in Insert > Names > Define
that the cell range is the worksheet I need and includes just the cells I
need - to include the Totals row at the bottom and the column headers at the
top (single row). I don't know how to further "dissect" the DSUM to find
the specific problem. Maybe I should delete the name and then re-create it
...... ? Any ideas?