Problem with Defragger Interface

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alberto
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The main window of the defragger of Vista Ultimate don't open;open but soon

Where is the problem?


Tried, using your command in DOS console that answer:

To execute the command you must be an administrator and be in a console

But I am administrator in "User Account" my name Alberto is Administrator, i
don't understand.

Please let me know.

Thank you
I use Vista 32 Ultimate

Alberto said:

Tried, using your command in DOS console that answer:

To execute the command you must be an administrator and be in a console

But I am administrator in "User Account" my name Alberto is Administrator, i
don't understand.

Please let me know.

Thank you

The scan give me this response:


Tried to read the log "access denied" is the answer
Tried to se if an option to read as administrator right clicking on the file
but not exist this option.

How procede?

Thank you
I can't read the file cbs.log the defragmenter utility interface of Vista
don't open what happen?

I use Ultimate Defrag program and Perfect Disk program to defrag; I want to
disable the auto defrag of Vista.The above programs are in stand by and do
not auto defrag only Vista autodefrag.

Is possible stop the autodefrag entering a command line in the Dos prompt

Hello "Alberto":
Is it possible that your Perfect Disk software program automatically
disables the Vista Defragmenter program by default when it is installed? It
seems logical that if you use an add on disk defragmenting program that the
Vista defragment program would conflict with it if it isn't disabled
automatically? You could probably contact the software supplier and find out
but it should tell you that in the installation instructions for the
software. You could also find out the hard way by temporarily uninstalling
the Perfect Disk program and then try opening Vista's Disk Defragmenter. tucson
Hi xiowan,

I've tried do disable both engines of PerfectDisk in Services of Windows
Vista but the
defragmenter interface window don't appear.
ultimate Defrag is not responsible because I've installed this program later
after the problem happen.

Thank you
Hello Alberto:
I don't think you understand what I mean. I doubt if you can do anything
with Vista's defragmenting program when you have another defragmenting
program installed. If there were two defragmenting programs on your pc they
would probably conflict with each other so I don't think you can do ANYTHING
with Vista's defragmenter and don't need to as long as you have a different
defragmenting program installed. You just can't get to Vista's defragmenter
with Perfect Disk installed. The only defragmenting you can do is with
Perfect disk unless you decide to uninstall it for some reason. Disabling
Perfect Disk wouldn't change the operating system default settings for your is Perfect Disk not Vista. tucson

Now I want to do so:

uninstall perfectDisk
Uninstall Ultimate Defrag
run vista defragmenter
uncheck autodefrag
install again both programs.

What you think about?

thank you
Hello "Alberto":
"uninstall perfectDisk" should be able to uninstall Perfect
Disk using the Control Panel>Programs & Features>Change or uninstall a

"Uninstall Ultimate Defrag".....the Defrag program is part of the Vista
operating system and can not be uninstalled, but after you remove Perfect
Disk you should be able to open the Vista Defragmenter by typing Disk
Defragmenter in the search box after clicking the start button. When the
Defragmenter window opens you have the option of checking or unchecking Run
on a schedule. You also can instruct it to Defragment by clicking Defragment
now. If you plan on re-installing Perfect Disk, I would uncheck Run on a

"nstall again both programs" can re-install Perfect Disk without
problem, but be sure you are using the Vista compatible version. I don't
think you can run both Perfect Disk and Vista's Disk Defragmenter program.
You have to choose between the two because both programs work deep within the
operating system and change the operating system to work only with that
particular program. As an example Perfect Disk can take over the boot
process and also constantly keep the O.S. files defragmented and running
smoothly. Well, Vista Degragmenter does this also and the pc can't have
both programs in control of the boot process and the defragmenting of O.S.
files without major problems.

My conclusion is that while Perfect Disk is an excellent Defragmenting
program, probably better than the Vista one, you may find that configuring
and using all the Perfect Disk features requires a great deal of computer
expertise and you would probably be better off using Vista's Defragmenter
program. It will do an excellent job if you just let it run as designed. It
constantly keeps your disks in good shape and the only problem I've heard of
is that if it is set to automatically defragment your drive(s) and the pc is
off or asleep it will start up the next time you turn on or wake up the pc.
If you have a powerful cpu and fast hard drive(s) you may not notice it's
even running. If you have barely adequate hardware your system may seem a
little slower but should still function ok.

Here is the support website for Perfect Disk if you want to learn more: tucson

I don't need the autodefrag of Vista.
When I want to defrag I do this operation manually about every week and a
backup of my hard disk.
I think this continue movement of the hd heads using autodefrag is not ok
and the hd life is reduced.
I want to turn off the autodefrag of Vista so you said that is only
necessary to uninstall PerfectDisk to be able access the Vista defrag


Thank you


Unfortunately nothing seems to activate the defragmenter interface of Vista.

Done: Uninstall PerfectDisk program
Uninstall Ultimate Defrag program
restart windows
Tried to run the defragmenter utility of Vista run normal and run
as administrator

nothing work

When I launch the defragmenter utility of Vista appear the UAC control and
ask me to allow that application to run.I click "allow" then nothing happen
the "wait" symbol of Vista don't appear.

Where is the problem now!

Thank you

not appear

I don't know but someone tell me that the defrag utility tool in Windows
Vista Ultimate Italian version is not installed! Work but the interface to
change settings is not available
It's necessary install the defragmenter utility (graphic interface) because
MS has not allow to access the interface for people that is unable to use it
and defrag the hd so this operation is autoexecute by operating system.

You know how to enable the interface in Vista 32 Ultimate?
or the prompt Dos command to disable the autodefrag operation done by the OS?

Thank you
mmmmmk...... I think you're right something is wrong in the file system or

The console appear but no tasks are included and no visible in the left
panel as you say. Is not possible add in the right panel new activity.

Do You think is better to do a windows repair?

Please let me know

Thank you

The problem is caused of an error during the launch of the application

is this:

Nome registro: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational
Origine: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler
Data: 24/01/2008 10.30.13
ID evento: 709
Categoria attività:Aggiornamento attività del modulo compatibilità non
Livello: Errore
Parole chiave:
Utente: SYSTEM
Computer: Exatron
Modulo compatibilità attività: impossibile aggiornare l'attività
"User_Feed_Synchronization-{F8ED0AC4-68C7-4080-BA49-9216E50C49E8}.job". Dati
aggiuntivi: valore errore: 2147750677.
XML evento:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler"
Guid="{de7b24ea-73c8-4a09-985d-5bdadcfa9017}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2008-01-24T09:30:13.101Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="1048" ThreadID="1756" />
<Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
<EventData Name="CompatibilityAdapterTaskUpdateFailed">
<Data Name="ResultCode">2147750677</Data>

Is Italian but hope you understand.

Thank you