With the many helps from the Excel experts there, I managed to come ou
with a kind of PO control sheet for my own use. If my memory does no
fail me, it is Peo who showed me how to use MATCH function...thanks t
Peo. However, the actual implementation seem more complicated than i
was thought....I have a problem in getting the correc
matching....following same dates applied. It would be rather difficul
for me to explain in wording here...So, I enclose herewith a JPG fil
for the forum members to assist me in identifying where did I make th
mistake. Please help me to correct the formula as it should be.
Thank you.
Attachment filename: po control.jpg
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=46866
With the many helps from the Excel experts there, I managed to come ou
with a kind of PO control sheet for my own use. If my memory does no
fail me, it is Peo who showed me how to use MATCH function...thanks t
Peo. However, the actual implementation seem more complicated than i
was thought....I have a problem in getting the correc
matching....following same dates applied. It would be rather difficul
for me to explain in wording here...So, I enclose herewith a JPG fil
for the forum members to assist me in identifying where did I make th
mistake. Please help me to correct the formula as it should be.
Thank you.
Attachment filename: po control.jpg
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=46866