Neil MacMurchy
Sorry for the x-post
I'm working on changing my connection routine so it isn't reliant on a DSN
on the machine and I've run into a little problem. When I try to connect
with the following connection string I get an error:
Driver=SQL Server;Server=Gomez;Database=RMNWaste;UID=RMNWaste;PWD=Y828Jgw3;
The error: Run-time error '3170' - Could not find installable ISAM.
Neil MacMurchy
Senior DBA
Region of Niagara
I'm working on changing my connection routine so it isn't reliant on a DSN
on the machine and I've run into a little problem. When I try to connect
with the following connection string I get an error:
Driver=SQL Server;Server=Gomez;Database=RMNWaste;UID=RMNWaste;PWD=Y828Jgw3;
The error: Run-time error '3170' - Could not find installable ISAM.
Neil MacMurchy
Senior DBA
Region of Niagara