I have a sql statement underlying a form. This sql statement combines two
BizUnit fields of two tables into one and this works fine:
SELECT tblActionRequest.*, nz([tblOpNonOp].[BizUnit],[tblPlant].[BizUnit])
AS BizUnit, Left([RequestDate],InStr([RequestDate]," ")) AS RequestDate1
FROM (tblActionRequest LEFT JOIN tblOpNonOp ON tblActionRequest.OpNonOp =
tblOpNonOp.ID) LEFT JOIN tblPlant ON tblActionRequest.Plant = tblPlant.Plant
However, I am using a serach form to get records displayed in this form
based on a search criteri. This seach criteria forms the where caluse.Thus
with the where clause I am getting the following sql statement unerlying the
SELECT tblActionRequest.*, nz([tblOpNonOp].[BizUnit],[tblPlant].[BizUnit])
AS BizUnit, Left([RequestDate],InStr([RequestDate]," ")) AS RequestDate1
FROM (tblActionRequest LEFT JOIN tblOpNonOp ON tblActionRequest.OpNonOp =
tblOpNonOp.ID) LEFT JOIN tblPlant ON tblActionRequest.Plant = tblPlant.Plant
where [BizUnit]='Thermosafe' And [Originator]='Bean Gan' And [RequestDate]
Between #5/12/2008# And #5/14/2008#
However this sql statement does not run and throws error as follows:
The specified field [BizUnit] could refer to more than one table listed in
the From clause of your sql statement
I would appreciate any help for reslution of this problem. Thanks.
I have a sql statement underlying a form. This sql statement combines two
BizUnit fields of two tables into one and this works fine:
SELECT tblActionRequest.*, nz([tblOpNonOp].[BizUnit],[tblPlant].[BizUnit])
AS BizUnit, Left([RequestDate],InStr([RequestDate]," ")) AS RequestDate1
FROM (tblActionRequest LEFT JOIN tblOpNonOp ON tblActionRequest.OpNonOp =
tblOpNonOp.ID) LEFT JOIN tblPlant ON tblActionRequest.Plant = tblPlant.Plant
However, I am using a serach form to get records displayed in this form
based on a search criteri. This seach criteria forms the where caluse.Thus
with the where clause I am getting the following sql statement unerlying the
SELECT tblActionRequest.*, nz([tblOpNonOp].[BizUnit],[tblPlant].[BizUnit])
AS BizUnit, Left([RequestDate],InStr([RequestDate]," ")) AS RequestDate1
FROM (tblActionRequest LEFT JOIN tblOpNonOp ON tblActionRequest.OpNonOp =
tblOpNonOp.ID) LEFT JOIN tblPlant ON tblActionRequest.Plant = tblPlant.Plant
where [BizUnit]='Thermosafe' And [Originator]='Bean Gan' And [RequestDate]
Between #5/12/2008# And #5/14/2008#
However this sql statement does not run and throws error as follows:
The specified field [BizUnit] could refer to more than one table listed in
the From clause of your sql statement
I would appreciate any help for reslution of this problem. Thanks.