Problem With Code...Still

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I posted a message earlier and been trying to figure out why this code
doesn't work right. Thank you for all your help.

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()

Dim message As String
Set MyComputer = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FolderName1 = Range("F6")
FileName1 = Range("M6")
If MyComputer.FolderExists(FolderName1) = False Then
message = MsgBox("The directory: " & FolderName1 & ", does not
exist." & Chr(10) _
& "Enter a new directory path (cell F6).", 0, "Not today my friend.")
If MyComputer.FileExists(FileName1) = True Then
message = MsgBox("The file name: " & FileName1 & ", already
exists." & Chr(10) _
& "A copy of this file has NOT been saved.", 0, "Not today my

Sheet18.Visible = xlSheetVisible
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FileName1, FileFormat:=xlNormal

With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells
.Value = .Value
End With

End If
End If

End Sub
Precisely what does "doesn't work" mean? Is it throwing an error? If so,
what is the error message? If not, then what does it do, or not do? When I
looked at this before I could not ascertain what Filename1 equated to. To
my knowledge that still has not been revealed. Does it include the complete
path? You must remember that we cannot see your file so you must explain
the circumstances and define what your variables are if you expect useable
I did not test this, but it should work if the values in F6 and M6 are valid
names and properly configured. If it does not work, then post back with any
error messages received and what line of code is highlighted when the error

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()

Dim message As String, FolderName1 As String, FileName1 As String
Set MyComputer = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FolderName1 = Range("F6").Value
FileName1 = Range("M6").Value
If MyComputer.FolderExists(FolderName1) = False Then
message = MsgBox("The directory: " & FolderName1 & _
", does not exist." & Chr(10) & "Enter a new directory" & _
"path (cell F6).", 0, "Not today my friend.")
ElseIf MyComputer.FileExists(FileName1) = True Then
message = MsgBox("The file name: " & FileName1 & _
", already exists." & Chr(10) & "A copy of this file" & _
"has NOT been saved.", 0, "Not today my friend.")
Sheet18.Visible = xlSheetVisible
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FileName1, FileFormat:=xlNormal
With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells
.Value = .Value
End With
End If
End If

End Sub
OK NFL, I think I have figured out the problem. Your If Then ElseIf is
causing vba to skip the last two options if the first one is true.

The code is a little confusing as written, but it looks as if you want to
check if a file exists and if so, exit the process. If the file does not
exist then create the file from sheet 18. If that is true then this should

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()

Dim message As String, FolderName1 As String, FileName1 As String
Set MyComputer = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FolderName1 = Range("F6").Value
FileName1 = Range("M6").Value
If MyComputer.FolderExists(FolderName1) = False Then
message = MsgBox("The directory: " & FolderName1 & _
", does not exist." & Chr(10) & "Enter a new directory" & _
"path (cell F6).", 0, "Not today my friend.")
ElseIf MyComputer.FileExists(FileName1) = True Then
message = MsgBox("The file name: " & FileName1 & _
", already exists." & Chr(10) & "A copy of this file" & _
"has NOT been saved.", 0, "Not today my friend.")
Exit Sub
End If
Sheet18.Visible = xlSheetVisible
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FileName1, FileFormat:=xlNormal
With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells
.Value = .Value
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

End Sub
Here's the summary of what is going on. The code below does create the file
to the designated path. Here are the values.... F6 = J:\Data\Export and the
value of M6 = Now()

Problem: When the file is exported, the formulas are being carried over to
the new file. I do not want the formulas and references passed on. What
happens is after the file is created I get a Run-time error '9': Subscript
out of range error message. When I press the Debug button it takes me to
this line....

With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells

Hope that makes sense and thank you for your reply. I've been trying
several methods to make this work and I'm not getting anywhere.
I tried the code and it looks cleaner. Thank you. The file does get created
like it is supposed to do and what happens afterwards is a Run-time error
'9': Subscript out of range message shows up. When I remove the code ....

With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells
.Value = .Value
End With

No errors will appear and the file will get created along with references
and formulas.

JLGWhiz said:
OK NFL, I think I have figured out the problem. Your If Then ElseIf is
causing vba to skip the last two options if the first one is true. If I remove the ..

With Workbooks(FileName1).Sheets(1).Cells
value of M6 = Now()

This can be a problem item. You are using Now() as a file name. One tenth
of a second after you assign the value of Now() to a variable, the value of
Now() is different. The variable still holds the original value of the time
that it was assigned, but you will never find that value in another file
name that was previously assigned, so looking for it is an exercise in
futility. To shorten all that up to an understandiable explanation, Now()
returns a value that is asnapshot of the current date and time such as:
5/27/2010 10:59:23 as a numeric data type. So the value of Now() is
constantly changing as the clock ticks. In the case of your code, the value
will change each time the worksheet is reactivated. That would be on
Workbook.Open and selecting another sheet then returning to that sheet. So
you will never be able to find a previously assigned filename the way the
code is written, because the Now() value that is used as a file name is
unique. You need to re-think this project and see if there is something
more reliable you can use for a file name. the =Today() function only
returns the date as a numeric data type, You might be able to use the
Format function:
FileName1 = Format(Range("M6").Value, "d/m/yyyy") & ".xls"
That would give you a date as a string data type which you could then search
for as a file name But as you have it now, FileName1 does not equate to a
valid file name.