I have set up a batch file to backup my documents, mail and desktops.
xcopy e:\robindox t:\robindox /s /d /y /i /k /h /w /EXCLUDE:c:\a.txt
xcopy e:\transdox t:\transdox /s /d /y /k /i /h /EXCLUDE:c:\a.txt
xcopy m:\eudora t:\eudora /s /d /y /k /i
xcopy c:\docume~1\robin\desktop\ t:\robin\desktop /s /d /y /k /i
xcopy c:\docume~1\transl~1\desktop\ t:\translat\desktop /s /d /y /k /i
The first three lines run perfectly, but the last two produce errors,
but the command window closes instantly and I cannot read the error
I have tried using the full names instead on xxxxxx~1 but the result
is the same.
Any help much appreciated.
xcopy e:\robindox t:\robindox /s /d /y /i /k /h /w /EXCLUDE:c:\a.txt
xcopy e:\transdox t:\transdox /s /d /y /k /i /h /EXCLUDE:c:\a.txt
xcopy m:\eudora t:\eudora /s /d /y /k /i
xcopy c:\docume~1\robin\desktop\ t:\robin\desktop /s /d /y /k /i
xcopy c:\docume~1\transl~1\desktop\ t:\translat\desktop /s /d /y /k /i
The first three lines run perfectly, but the last two produce errors,
but the command window closes instantly and I cannot read the error
I have tried using the full names instead on xxxxxx~1 but the result
is the same.
Any help much appreciated.