Problem with aspx that takes very long time to complete the reques



we have a application which is used to generate the reports.
In this application there are some reports which takes more than 50 minutes
of the time.these reports works fine on development PC Win2k professional
with IIS5.0
but These report which takes longer duration does not work on the Production
System 2003 server with IIS6.0.
but the log entries that are written at the server states that the process
is completed. but the user will not get the final resposne after waiting for
the completion of report.
The user will get error message Cannot find server or DNS Error

Please advice


Lau Lei Cheong

Probably because the HTTP response timeouted. Your report takes too long to

The default value for WinXP IIS is 600 secs. and for Win2003, it's 120
secs., you may wish to make both identical through IIS Manager's "default
website"->"properties"-> "Connection Timeout"


Hi Prashanth,

I find that any process that takes more than one or two minutes to bring
results is not a suitable candidate for a web application. The typical user
of the web would think of a request as “frozen†if it took him more than one
minute to receive the result.

In such situation, I prefer to create a batch system. This means that you
allow the user to submit a request for a report on the browser and then
immediately display a confirmation that the request was received and where to
go to check the status. The user can then visit another page that lists the
status of the submitted requests, with links to pages that display those
reports when the processing is complete. There are many strategies to
achieve such a setup. You can have a windows service running on the web
server that checks for either a file to be created in a specified folder
using the FileSystemWatcher class methods
or a database for any added records.

The Windows service would then execute the process that generates the report
and upon completion save a record indicating the status and the location of
the generated report (or data to be displayed by server user controls on the

Lau Lei Cheong

Or just have another webform generate the report, and Ajax like techniques
to notify the user about the download URL when the report is ready.

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