First, appologies for my bad english.
I need help for the following problem. I'm using the Dlookup method to help
filling a field :
me![Name] = DLookUp("[Name]", "[Table_contact]","[Surname]= '" &
me![Surname] & "'")
This is the good syntax, but the problem is that it return nothing if the
field me![Surname] contains the character '. Otherwise, it is OK.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for help
Stephane DAYNAC
First, appologies for my bad english.
I need help for the following problem. I'm using the Dlookup method to help
filling a field :
me![Name] = DLookUp("[Name]", "[Table_contact]","[Surname]= '" &
me![Surname] & "'")
This is the good syntax, but the problem is that it return nothing if the
field me![Surname] contains the character '. Otherwise, it is OK.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for help
Stephane DAYNAC