Problem with antique P6NP5 board

  • Thread starter Thread starter Markus Strangl
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Markus Strangl

Hi group!

I just dug up one of those boards and decided to make a nice fileserver from
it. As I still have several PPro200 CPUs around, and as cache is always good
for high throughput, I put one of the 1024kb models on the board.
Now my problem: The hardware overview screen shows 0kb cache.. is the P6NP5
not able to use the 1024kb in my CPU, or is it just unable to list the size
correctly? The CPU gets skin warm even though I've only been fiddling around
in BIOS, where there should be almost no workload. Could that tell me that
something's wrong (because of the cache size?) or is that normal for PPros?
If that board does not work with 1024kb cache, can anyone recommend a
different board that does work?

Please enlighten me.
This board does not have 1mb cache Pentium Pros on its support list.

But the above hints that updating the Bios will add support for your CPU.
Hi group!

I just dug up one of those boards and decided to make a nice fileserver from
it. As I still have several PPro200 CPUs around, and as cache is always good
for high throughput, I put one of the 1024kb models on the board.
Now my problem: The hardware overview screen shows 0kb cache.. is the P6NP5
not able to use the 1024kb in my CPU, or is it just unable to list the size
correctly? The CPU gets skin warm even though I've only been fiddling around
in BIOS, where there should be almost no workload. Could that tell me that
something's wrong (because of the cache size?) or is that normal for PPros?
If that board does not work with 1024kb cache, can anyone recommend a
different board that does work?

Please enlighten me.

Upgrade info is here:

from the Asus Germany set of FAQs:

If you need it, the Pentium Pro CPUs are listed on page 15 of

It looks like the CPUID of your 1MB cache processor is 0619.

The directory that the poster "Lost" gave you has the index file,
which sometimes lists BIOS update info.

The index file claims that support for CPUID 0619 is in
na6i0105 or later BIOS file.

Try a Windows utility and see if it lists the cache. Check that
the L2 cache is "enabled" in the BIOS. Since the cache is inside
the processor chip, that should reduce the dependencies on the
motherboard characteristics.
