1) When running a scan under windows 2000 (all up-dates applied to 17th
February) , Defender will continually ask for a disk to be inserted into the
empty a: drive. The pop-up will not accept cancel and it is very difficult to
stop the scan -- it is a race on how fast you can move the mouse between
cancelling the pop-up and cancelling the scan. The easiest way to exit the
problem is to find a disk and put into disk drive -- remember to pop the disk
out before rebooting the system ortherwise you will get a non-system disk
2) Trying to get around the above problem by "deselecting" the a: drive
under the options does not work. I suspect this is because the options cover
the "full" scan and not the "quickscan"
3) I notice that "unless there is a problem" there is no icon in tool-bar. I
could also not find Defender under the various proceses on the system. How do
I know that it is actually running
February) , Defender will continually ask for a disk to be inserted into the
empty a: drive. The pop-up will not accept cancel and it is very difficult to
stop the scan -- it is a race on how fast you can move the mouse between
cancelling the pop-up and cancelling the scan. The easiest way to exit the
problem is to find a disk and put into disk drive -- remember to pop the disk
out before rebooting the system ortherwise you will get a non-system disk
2) Trying to get around the above problem by "deselecting" the a: drive
under the options does not work. I suspect this is because the options cover
the "full" scan and not the "quickscan"
3) I notice that "unless there is a problem" there is no icon in tool-bar. I
could also not find Defender under the various proceses on the system. How do
I know that it is actually running