Problem when I Installed WindowsXp on TOP of WindowsXp

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Hi, I had some problems with my (out of warranty) Dell system so installed
WindowsXp Pro on top of WindowsXp Pro. In retrospect, I realize I should have
done a REPAIAR but I started a NEW reinstall and have a BIG problem and would
appreciate HELP!

I after the new install was completed, I got a Blue Screen and had to shut
down my system and could not start it in Safe Mode because I was advised that
I needed to activate Windows first (which had to be done in Normal Mode and
when I started the system in Normal Mode, I got the Blue Screen).
I then changed the BIOS start sequence to CD-ROM first, so that I could get
to a "useable screen", placed the Dell provided WindowsXp Pro CD in the
CD-ROM, started my system, press the SPACE BAR and got the Windows SetUp /
Install screen again.

I was able to start Windows SetUp again but was advised during the install

File A3d.dll Creative SB could not be located and my mouse locked. If I
pressed ESC the error message box disappeared and the mouse is released and
the installation continues.

I also noticed that the screen turned blank (flashed / blinked) for a second
or two then the Windows Install screen reappeared and the installation
continued. This
happened about a ½ dozen times which I thought was very unusual
since I have I have installed many versions of Windows in the past and never
experienced the screen blinking / a flash /....before. In any event, this
"blink" only occurs for a second or so then the SetUp screen reaapears and
the install continues.

When the install is finally complete (in about 45 minutes) the system
Windows Starts Up appeared, I then got the Welcome Screen and after 5
seconds or so, the BLUE SCREEN apppears that said:
A Problem has been detected and Windows Must shut down with the error
STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005, 0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000

When I tried to start my system in Safe Mode, I was advised that I need to
activate Windows and when I try and start the system in Normal Mode, I get
this Blue Screen with the
STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005, 0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000
error message.
So it appears that I don't know what I am doing and that the problem are
either the SB file that is missing, the blinking screen during Windows SetUp
and / or the STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005, 0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000
I would appreciate any help that you can offer that would enable me to FIX
these problems and get a workable version of WindowsXp Pro back again?
Thank you for your contnued support,
Boblink said:
Hi, I had some problems with my (out of warranty) Dell system so
installed WindowsXp Pro on top of WindowsXp Pro. In retrospect, I
realize I should have done a REPAIAR but I started a NEW reinstall
and have a BIG problem and would appreciate HELP!

I after the new install was completed, I got a Blue Screen and had to
shut down my system and could not start it in Safe Mode because I was
advised that I needed to activate Windows first (which had to be done
in Normal Mode and when I started the system in Normal Mode, I got
the Blue Screen).
I then changed the BIOS start sequence to CD-ROM first, so that I
could get to a "useable screen", placed the Dell provided WindowsXp
Pro CD in the CD-ROM, started my system, press the SPACE BAR and got
the Windows SetUp / Install screen again.

I was able to start Windows SetUp again but was advised during the
install that:

File A3d.dll Creative SB could not be located and my mouse locked. If
I pressed ESC the error message box disappeared and the mouse is
released and the installation continues.

I also noticed that the screen turned blank (flashed / blinked) for a
second or two then the Windows Install screen reappeared and the
installation continued. This
happened about a ½ dozen times which I thought was very unusual
since I have I have installed many versions of Windows in the past
and never experienced the screen blinking / a flash /....before. In
any event, this "blink" only occurs for a second or so then the SetUp
screen reaapears and the install continues.

When the install is finally complete (in about 45 minutes) the system
Windows Starts Up appeared, I then got the Welcome Screen and after 5
seconds or so, the BLUE SCREEN apppears that said:
A Problem has been detected and Windows Must shut down with the error
STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005, 0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000

When I tried to start my system in Safe Mode, I was advised that I
need to activate Windows and when I try and start the system in
Normal Mode, I get this Blue Screen with the
STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005, 0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000
error message.
So it appears that I don't know what I am doing and that the problem
are either the SB file that is missing, the blinking screen during
Windows SetUp and / or the STOP: 0x00000008E(0xC0000005,
0x805298C9,0xb232D779,0x0000000 message.
I would appreciate any help that you can offer that would enable me
to FIX these problems and get a workable version of WindowsXp Pro
back again?
Thank you for your contnued support,

I can't help you with your problems, but I can give you a little light on
part of it. The screen going dark momentarily during setup is normal. This
only happens during the devices setup. It has happened EVERY TIME I have
installed XP. It ALWAYS happens 2 or three times during the devices setup
portion of Setup. I have gotten so used to it that I would worry if it
didn't happen.

While XP can be installed over itself, it is really dangerous. I much
prefer to do a "clean" install.

By the way, who told you that XP can only be activated in Normal mode?
Ask yourself this question: What would someone do if his thirty day grace
period expired, and Windows XP refused to start up in Normal mode, and only
opened in Safe Mode? The only way this person could get control of Windows
returned to him would be by activating the OS, which is quite possible in
Safe Mode. All you need to do is start the Activation Wizard, and choose to
call the Activation Center to activate your Windows, instead of activating
it via the Internet. Never having had to activate Windows in Safe Mode, I
don't know whether the Safe Mode XP puts you in if your grace period expires
allows for Internet connectivity. Instead of using heresay as your computer
tech, try it yourself.

Probably, you are going to have to reinstall XP on a clean HD as your
solution. You will lose all your data and programs, but you will get XP
Thanks for the reply Donald, I am glad to hear that the "blinking" problem is
nothing to be concerned about. It eliminates one of the variables.
To answer your question about who told me that Windows can only be activated
in Normal Mode, the answer is "Windows" told me. When I startup the system in
Safe Mode and error message pops up advising me that I need to activate
Windows and Windows can only be activated in Normal Mode.
The question that I have (and I wish I could ask it of "Windows", is how do
I reformat my "C" Drive if I have no access to Windows?
Thanks for your help Donald,
Hi, Bob.

Please fill in a few "minor", but CRITICAL details.

Was WinXP Pro pre-installed on your computer by Dell? What kind of CD are
you using to (re)install WinXP now?

Dell, like many other OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) buy WinXP
licenses "in bulk" from Microsoft, then they customize WinXP to fit their
own particular hardware; they may in fact have several different customized
versions to fit their several models of computers. This is a big part of
the reason why the OEM contract provides that the OEM - NOT Microsoft - will
provide support for WinXP on OEM installations.

Because of this special license arrangement, Dell handles activation of
these pre-installed copies of WinXP. Also, this WinXP license is forever
tied to this specific computer; it cannot be transferred to another
computer, even if the original is burned up or otherwise destroyed. The
good part is that the consumer never has to activate WinXP.

Many OEMs supply only a "recovery disk" with their computers. This disk is
limited and can only restore the computer to the "as-new" condition, erasing
all the applications and data the owner has added since the computer was
purchased. Sometimes, that's exactly what the user wants, but usually it is
not and the user considers this a disaster.

I've not owned a Dell, but I understand that Dell includes a full WinXP
CD-ROM that will let its user completely reinstall WinXP on the original
computer. Such a CD can be used to perform a "repair install", also known
as an "in-place upgrade", which completely reinstalls WinXP itself while
preserving the user's installed applications and data.

Of course, you can go to Wal*Mart (or wherever) and buy a retail copy of
WinXP and install that on your Dell computer. This copy of WinXP will come
on a CD-ROM in a case with a bright orange sticker that says, "Don't Lose
This Product Key!" If you install WinXP from this CD, you should use that
new number to activate your new license. This license, unlike the
pre-installed one, can be installed on a different computer some day,
provided you remove it from any computer where it was previously installed.
You could even, if you choose, install the retail WinXP "alongside" the Dell
version (in a second volume), creating a "dual-boot" system.

So, please answer my first two questions so that we will know which way to
point you to solve your problem.

Hi RC, thank you for your help. I tried to answer your questions one at a

Was WinXP Pro pre-installed on your computer by Dell? What kind of CD are
you using to (re)install WinXP now?

I believe that it was preinstalled, I bought the system on eBay and it came
The WindowsXp Pro CD is labeled Dell Operating System Ready to Install on
Your Computer Reinstalltion CD (PN R2352)

This is a big part of the reason why the OEM contract provides that the OEM
- NOT Microsoft - will provide support for WinXP on OEM installations.

I contacted Dell Customer Support but after talking to them, I almost feel
that I know more than they do which is NOT saying much

Because of this special license arrangement, Dell handles activation of
these pre-installed copies of WinXP. Also, this WinXP license is forever
tied to this specific computer; it cannot be transferred to another
computer, even if the original is burned up or otherwise destroyed. The
good part is that the consumer never has to activate WinXP.

Well that may not be the case in my situtaion since I tried to install
WindowsXp on TOP of WindowsXp and it treated it like a new / fresh install.
When it finished, it asked me to activate Windows and when I click OK, I got
the Blue Screen with the error message. Also, when I tried to start the
system in Safe Mode, I was advised that I need to activate the OS before I
can use Safe Mode. So my assumption is when I am able to reinstall Windows,
it is going to require that I activate it (I would be VERY happy to get to
that point and see what happens)

Many OEMs supply only a "recovery disk" with their computers. This disk is
limited and can only restore the computer to the "as-new" condition, erasing
all the applications and data the owner has added since the computer was
purchased. Sometimes, that's exactly what the user wants, but usually it is
not and the user considers this a disaster.

I have a Dell ResourceCD which does diagnostics and / or gets me to a DOS

I've not owned a Dell, but I understand that Dell includes a full WinXP
CD-ROM that will let its user completely reinstall WinXP on the original
computer. Such a CD can be used to perform a "repair install", also known
as an "in-place upgrade", which completely reinstalls WinXP itself while
preserving the user's installed applications and data.

I have a full WinXp Pro CD but for some reason the installation failed and
it WIPED OUT my previous (working fine but sluggish) version of WinXp Pro
that was installed on my system (from day 1, which was Nov 2003 or putting it
another way, 6 months OUT of warranty)

Of course, you can go to Wal*Mart (or wherever) and buy a retail copy of
WinXP and install that on your Dell computer. This copy of WinXP will come
on a CD-ROM in a case with a bright orange sticker that says, "Don't Lose
This Product Key!" If you install WinXP from this CD, you should use that
new number to activate your new license. This license, unlike the
pre-installed one, can be installed on a different computer some day,
provided you remove it from any computer where it was previously installed.
You could even, if you choose, install the retail WinXP "alongside" the Dell
version (in a second volume), creating a "dual-boot" system.

I think I have a (good) working copy of WindowsXp Pro SetUp CD that was
provided by Dell and after 4-5 emails, they even told me where / how to
locate the 25 character Key Code (needed for the install)

Thanks RC
Boblink said:
Thanks for the reply Donald, I am glad to hear that the "blinking"
problem is nothing to be concerned about. It eliminates one of the
To answer your question about who told me that Windows can only be
activated in Normal Mode, the answer is "Windows" told me. When I
startup the system in Safe Mode and error message pops up advising me
that I need to activate Windows and Windows can only be activated in
Normal Mode.
The question that I have (and I wish I could ask it of "Windows", is
how do I reformat my "C" Drive if I have no access to Windows?
Thanks for your help Donald,

1) Access to the Desktop of Windows is not needed to partition, format, or
delete, or create partitions
2) To reinstall ME,
a) Boot using a Windows ME startup floppy.
b) Use "fdisk" to delete all partitions
c) Use "fdisk" to create a new partition for ME.
d) Set the newly created partition "Active"
e) Then use "format" to format the newly created partition
f) insert the ME installation disk in the drive
g) click on "Setup" in the root folder of the ME installation disk

Access to the Windows Desktop is not needed if you want to reinstall XP on a
"clean" HD.
To accomplish this,
1) Go into System BIOS program, and set boot order so that the CD drive is
the first boot device.
2) Place XP installation CD in the drive and reboot, keeping XP install disk
in drive
3) After POST, a message will appear on the screen which says to the effect
"Press any key to boot using CD...". You will have exactly 5 seconds to
press a key at this point. If you miss it, and Windows tries to start, just
turn the machine off, then back on. Do this as often as needed until the XP
Setup program begins. You will recognise it immediately, because it will
appear like DOS (Text instead of graphics).
4) The XP setup program will begin
5) At this point, you will be given the option to delete all partitions,
create new ones, then format them.

If you need more help, let me know...