Problem w/X axis in chart (2003)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Helen
  • Start date Start date


I didn't get any hits with my first post, so let's try again with a different
subject line.

I'm creating stacked bar charts where I'm tracking data from three points in
time (one chart for each reporting period). I started this project a year
ago and don't remember how I created the first chart, so I decided to just
replicate the first chart, then change the data series.

I did so by copying the source data range. For some reason, the second
chart has a max capacity of 180% (instead of 100%). When I go to Format
Axis, the first chart shows the following values under Scale:

Value Y
Minimum = 0
Max = 100
Major = 20
Minor = 4
Category X crosses at 0
Display Units reads None and is grayed out.
Show Display is checked and is grayed out.

The Number tab is set as follows:
Decimal = 0
Linked to source checked

When I go to Format Axis on the second chart, this is what I find:

Category X = 0
Display Units = None but not grayed out
Show Units checked and grayed out

Linked to source not checked

I go into the Format Axis and try to change Chart 2 so it mimics Chart 1,
but the changes don't stay.

Is the formatting of your source data the same? It sounds like when you
copied it got changed from percentages to numbers.
In both instances, the Number is Percentage. However, with the original
there are zero decimal, while the new chart shows two. When I change the new
chart to zero, the changes don't "stick." And there are other issues related
to formatting that didn't translate to the second chart and efforts to change
don't remain.

Playing with the chart, I decided to start over. I discovered there's more
than one stacked chart style, so tried the other one and discovered that
fixed it.

Live and learn!