I just bought a Radeon 8500 LE 64Mo DDR (Hercules) Clock 250/500 and
got a freezed black screen with vertical lines when trying to
the card with 3DMark2001
Motherboard is Elite ECS K7S5A + 512MB DDR (1 bank)
No problems when DOWNclocking Radeon 8500 GPU to 200Mhz (instead of
I've tried latest SiS AGP Driver 1.16, differents ATI display drivers
(3.2, 3.4, 3.5) Ati Omega drivers (www.omegacorner.com) and I still
get the same
problem : 3D displays freeze the system with a black screen.
I also tried to change some parameters in the Bios : AGP 4x -> 2x,
Fast writing and so on... No luck !
I suspect a weak voltage for my AGP slot ? Is there anybody who faced
(solved) this problem ?
I previously used a ATI 7500 and it was rock stable !
Thanks for any help
I just bought a Radeon 8500 LE 64Mo DDR (Hercules) Clock 250/500 and
got a freezed black screen with vertical lines when trying to
the card with 3DMark2001
Motherboard is Elite ECS K7S5A + 512MB DDR (1 bank)
No problems when DOWNclocking Radeon 8500 GPU to 200Mhz (instead of
I've tried latest SiS AGP Driver 1.16, differents ATI display drivers
(3.2, 3.4, 3.5) Ati Omega drivers (www.omegacorner.com) and I still
get the same
problem : 3D displays freeze the system with a black screen.
I also tried to change some parameters in the Bios : AGP 4x -> 2x,
Fast writing and so on... No luck !
I suspect a weak voltage for my AGP slot ? Is there anybody who faced
(solved) this problem ?
I previously used a ATI 7500 and it was rock stable !
Thanks for any help