Problem Uninstalling 2nd window



When i enter the setup menu for window XP, i accidentally delete the C: drive
without formatting the window.. Without Knowing the former window is still
inside, i installed another Window XP in C drive. Now there's 2 window, but i
cant delete or uninstall the previous former window.. Whenever i click on the
2nd window, it said system file missing and unable to access. I tried many
times to format my c drive hoping both windows will be gone as i only need 1
window XP only. HOw do i resolve this problem? I wanna get rid the former


Mick Murphy

Boot from the XP CD and reinstall it.

When you hit Enter to setup XP(not R to go into recovery console), continue
until you get the option to delete existing partitions(that is the part of
"where do you want to install XP".

You hit D, then Enter, then L to confirm deleting option for existing
selected partition., etc, etc.

Then you set up a partition from the unallocated space, and format it.
Then install XP.

Mark L. Ferguson

In XP, press WinKey-Break,(or start/run 'sysdm.cpl'), Advanced Tab, "Start
Up and Recovery" area, Settings button, then edit the old line out with the
edit button. Reboot, and delete the files for the old OS. Don't format C:,
you need stuff in C: root.
HOW TO Edit the Boot.ini File in Windows XP:;EN-US;q289022
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